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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I had always assumed that shock gloves were rubber gloves with metal strips on the palm/fingers hooked up to a power source, and activated via touch. When I looked up the damage in the book, it lists damage as (STR-1)M + 7S Stun. From this I gather that you are punching, and not simply touching.

I have a PhysAd Unarmed specialist and had thought I needed to make a special set of shock/hardliner gloves to get both regular damage and shock damage together.

I didn't see any description of them (I may be blind, please forgive), so does one of the books describe how they function? The concealability is pretty high (12 IIRC), so that can't be all that bulky. I am also curious if there is a number of uses before the powersource is depleted.

SR3 pg 275-6, starting at the bottom left right of 275. your questions: answered! (my left and right: confused!)
Their description is on page 275 in the bottom right (going on to 276). It says that they can be discharged 8 times before requiring recharged. Concealability of the shock gloves and the hardliner gloves are both 9 but with both the hardliner and shock components I think you'd be looking at a concealability rating of 6-7 or so to notice the metal contacts and wighted bulk. I'd allow you to buy a separate power pack and keep that in your jacket pocket or something. Ask your GM.
This raises the question about damage staging: would it affect the
A) physical damage only,
B) shock damage only,
C) player choice
D) both?

I would think D is way too powerful, and that C would make the most sense (you are controlling which aspect of the weapon you are focusing on at the moment), but I am open to other peoples thoughts.

P.S. (If this is also answered in the book text, I'll look it up when I get home)
Mr. Unpronounceable
My GM's never brought it up - I always applied staging to the unarmed portion of the damage only.

Even player's choice would be too powerful - the shock portion of the damage is resisted by 1/2 impact compared to the full impact resisting unarmed.
If someone wears 2 shock gloves, can he benefit from the "using 2 cyber spurs" rules?
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys)
If someone wears 2 shock gloves, can he benefit from the "using 2 cyber spurs" rules?

Interesting idea but hitting someone with two at once may over-load the gloves. Hitting someone with 2 blows in quick succession may have that effect though. It's really up-to the GM what rules he applies as you could probably apply the rules for two weapon fighting (from the CC) too.
IIRC the name of the item is not "shock glove" it is "shock gloves" which means it already is a pair.
Fygg Nuuton
SR3 pg 275 it says shock glove, not gloves
QUOTE (Dhurgan)
This raises the question about damage staging: would it affect the
A) physical damage only,
B) shock damage only,
C) player choice
D) both?

I would say the melee damage stages normally, and the shock damage either doesn't stage at all, or stages with the same rules as grenades.

And the target resists each separately.
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