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Full Version: Moving through someone
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
James McMurray
Are there rules for shoving your way past someone? I know if you try to move past someone without attacking they get to attack you, and might stop you.

But what about other times, such as:
  • The bouncer is stopping you from entering the club, and you want to get past without having to enter into a full melee combat.
  • You're playing a deadly game of red rover, where the last one to get through gets fed to the insect spirits.
  • There is a large group of enemy security blocking your path to a closing door. How do you dive past them and slide under the door Indiana Jones style?
You don't. if you try to move past someone they get a free melee attack which you cannot counterattack. Ouch.
Crimson Jack
You invoke an attack of opportunity. nyahnyah.gif
ouch you brought up the D20 thing spin.gif but your right , thats kinda what it is.
Kanada Ten
* The bouncer is stopping you from entering the club, and you want to get past without having to enter into a full melee combat.

Intimidation check, with some Etiquette if you want to stay cool.

* You're playing a deadly game of red rover, where the last one to get through gets fed to the insect spirits.

Opposed Strength and/or Quickness (highest?). Situation dependant.

* There is a large group of enemy security blocking your path to a closing door. How do you dive past them and slide under the door Indiana Jones style?

They will get to attack you unless you win a Surprise, but I'd allow a Full Defense using Athletics.
Crimson Jack
QUOTE (Sokei)
ouch you brought up the D20 thing spin.gif but your right , thats kinda what it is.

Most of the people here who have read my past rants on D&D and the whole d20 plague, know that I abhor the system and all that it stands for. smile.gif
Not looking at book, but I've run this (and had to explain this to my group enough sarcastic.gif ), but I believe this is how it goes.
I move within one meter of Bouncer.
Bouncer gets a free attack on me.
I am assumed to be in full defense.
If I take no damage, I keep moving.
If I take damage, I am Intercepted.
nuyen.gif nuyen.gif nuyen.gif
James McMurray
TeOdio: that's the way it is, but the rules are silent on what to do if you're actually trying to move through someone.

Thanks for the replies folks!

And yes, our group does call it "provoking an attack of opportunity." smile.gif
QUOTE (James McMurray)
TeOdio: that's the way it is, but the rules are silent on what to do if you're actually trying to move through someone.

Thanks for the replies folks!

And yes, our group does call it "provoking an attack of opportunity." smile.gif

Ahh, Ok. Like a Troll taking up the WHOLE doorway. If the character that's trying to get past had an action left they could attempt to knockback the bouncer enough to get by. Otherwise, I'd say they couldn't get by at all. That's basically what bodyguards/bouncers are there for anyway, to keep the rabble out.
nuyen.gif nuyen.gif nuyen.gif
you'd make a melee attack using the knockdown attack option. check the advanced melee rules in CC.
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