Yes, but the level of information will remain the same. So if you've got enough successes to get all the way into the subconscious then you can sift through it, one question per pass, for as long as you sustain the spell. If you've only made it to the foreground of the brain, you can do the same - but you'll
still only get rubbish information, because it's what the subject is thinking about - which might not be much! (heh, try it on my wife...)
If you "log out" and try again,
then you have a +2 on your target number, to represent the hassle of trying to retread ground that you've just walked - as an analogue, try cutting a wavy-ish line with a craft knife, then cutting a straight one through the centre - the knife will keep getting stuck in, and following, the imperfect line.
That's the way I look at it, anyway...