Would be replacing the existing rules.
As the rules are, the mechanic includes a step function. So, there is no reason at all not to wear armor up to just before it penalizes you. This change, for me, seems a more smooth transition. You have a moderate and growing penalty up to a point based on your stats, and then a major and growing penalty if you go past that point, if you start to overload your ability to compensate. I feel that this would also increase armor variation among runners.
The rule as proposed still lets toons with high quickness wear more armor than those without (though see Kanada Ten's post and below).
I'm also thinking of somehow including strength in the mix. I like that body strength and quickness idea. IMO just because somebody is quick, doesn't mean they can port around a bunch of armor with no penalty.
Maybe the house rule should only count towards dodging. Thats an interesting idea.
I just picked 3 outta the air - 4 seemed to slow to have a significant impact. I haven't played with the numbers much yet, so 4 might be better.
Smiley, if that is your reaction, you are right. (You would prolly shit bricks and write your congressman a letter if you heard my house rules for magic)
I am also thinking of having dodge dice last until your next action. Example: You need to dodge so you roll 4 of your dice, get 3 successes - you get to keep those three successes to use against any attack against you until your pool refreshes. I figure, if you are spazzing out for one opponent, you are spazzing out for them all, at least to some degree. What do you think about that?
Maybe I am just trying to justify the bikini warrior chick, dunno. I mean, does everybody have to walk around in kevlar and steel plates for the game to be fun?
(Oh, gamemaster and Xavier - this is your new GM

- i can't find the pword to 3Threes so i had to make a new dumpshock account - let me know what your take is on this)
More input please. Somebody put your head on this and try and break or xploit it - see how robust the house rule is.