Sep 9 2003, 05:43 PM
Q: i got head memory. after M&M i need router or datajack to get the info out from it. right or wroong?
Q: after M&M do i need a router or datajack to make maps with orientation system, ultrasound and head memory?
Q:Biomonitor needs to be separetly connected to e.g. image display to get some data out from it?
The White Dwarf
Sep 9 2003, 06:10 PM
1) Yes, this was always the case. If you have only a router, youll need to connect it to something else with an I/O port. Otherwise headware memory takes a datajack in order to download/upload information to it. Even with a datajack youd need another device to *interpret* the data, you just wont magically know whats in there.
2) Yes, those devices can work together, but youd need to connect them all with routers. A datajack itself comes with 3 unassigned routers, so you could use those. However just be aware that a datajack and routers arent neccessarily interchangable, it depends on how many things you want to connect.
3) Maybe. A biomonitor system is automatically linked to its own subcomponents, one of which can be a display screen in the forearm. If you dont want to use that option, then youd have to get something such as an image link and then connect the two with routers on your own.
Matrix Monkey
Sep 9 2003, 06:19 PM
Yes on all three questions, but open to house ruling.
* Headware memory : the naming of the 'ware itself implies a link to the brain, hence a way to store data "out of brain memory".
You'd still need a (linked) display link, subdermal monitor or what-have-you to access the data outside of "thought access" if you interpret it this way, though.
* Orientation/Ultrasound/HeadMem : Doesn't the orientation system already provide a form of ultrasound (or other) scanning of your surroundings?
AFAIK, the classic combination used to create maps on-the-fly is Orientation System (which uses some form of radar signal, possibly) + Internal GPS (effectively giving you a cyber version of the Nav-dat system).
I'd rule that linking your ultrasound-enhanced cybernetic vision to the Internal GPS would give you the opportunity to create and store mapping data.
* Biomonitor : since the biomonitor is not headware (off the top of my head, I'd say it's placed under bodyware) it's not equipped for DNI, hence the need for linking it to a displaying device (since the biomonitor doesn't output any kind of ASIST signal, linking it through your datajack wouldn't be enough).
Matrix Monkey
Sep 9 2003, 06:20 PM
@ TWD:
I thought datajacks had only two router ports open? (one being connected to the user's brain)
Sep 9 2003, 06:27 PM
QUOTE (The White Dwarf) |
1) Yes, this was always the case. |
QUOTE (SR3 page 298) |
Stored information can be output trrough a datajack, headware communication, knowsoft link, display link or image link |
thus if dont use M&M at all, images from memroy can be displayed but if using M&M rules this is not anymore possible without router or datajack that is IMO wroong.
memory should work as it orginaly worked.
note that i would not allow any other system to communicate with the memo if not connected via router or datajack.
datajack has five router points. one that is the actual datajack, one that usualy goes to brain and three extras.
Matrix Monkey
Sep 9 2003, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (BlackSmith) |
datajack has five router points. one that is the actual datajack, one that usualy goes to brain and three extras. |
Thanks for the correction there

I somehow got stuck thinking a datajack had 3 ports total, instead of 3 free.
Sep 9 2003, 11:10 PM
Onto the question on multi-task capable cyberware...
Do I need an image link to review the pictures that my cybereyes (with camera) have taken and stored in headware memory or can that be considered a given with the camera? An NPC I created has a cybereyes (w/camera), datajack, and headware: the datajack has already used up two routes on the brain and jack itself, it uses up another two for the headware memory and cybereyes, correct?
The White Dwarf
Sep 10 2003, 06:15 PM
Thats a two part question. A cyber eye camera comes with 1mp or 60 shots built in. As long as the eye has an image link and is using its own memory then no, you dont need a router. But if you wanted to link the eye to the headware memeory to allow for over 60 shots, then yes you need a router. Your example of router use is correct, youd be using 4 and have one left. Also, I dont think the camera can view its own pictures, iirc theres a bit in there about removing/adding a new chip in order to access them on a p-sec or something, meaning it cannot do it on its own without the image link.
And Blacksmith, yes it was always the case as soon as M&M hit the shelves. A 10 port router, alphawared, runs you .16 essence max and can conceviable connect everything youd implant in most cases. Its not a very big change. Besides which I know noone who had headware memory without a datajack, meaning they had free routers to assign to fulfill the same function anyhow. Its a minor change that is basically some common sense to keep all cyberware from magically functioning together.
Sep 11 2003, 06:56 AM
personaly i find the stuff about routers useless as one can just rule that any cyberware can talk to any other cyberware and skip all the problems of keeping a tally of all the router ports and so on.
allso, i dont see a statement saying that image links and similar suddenly need router or headware access, so a datasoft downloaded to headware by chipjack will in my game be there for use with just a image link...
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