Feb 21 2005, 11:02 AM
For my next Shadowrun game(whenever it happens) I've been trying to come up with several character concepts. The one that's the most interesting (and most complicated) is a Yakuza physical adept, who's trying to 'buy his way out'.
IRL, Yakuza who don't wanna be in the gang anymore have a few options. The first involves amputation. [which I wonder about in the 6th world; since cyber- and cloned fingers are fairly easy to obtain, has the pinky-cutting lost its edge?] Another involves paying your superior for the inconvenience of not having you around anymore. My character is going to try the second; and since the price is probably in the area of several years' pay, he's going to take to shadowrunning.
The problem is, what happens when he tries to get hired for a run? if the employer happens to be affiliated with the mafia/triads/seoulpa/whatever, they'll probably balk at the prospect of having one of them do their work.
Then there's the whole conflict of interest angle. Even though he's trying to get out, he's still part of the yakuza in the meantime. if he does somehow get a job with a rival crime syndicate, wouldn't he be obligated to botch it? and what if his fellow runners, in an apparently unrelated mission, happen upon something that could be damaging to the yaks? would he have to turn on his fellow runners? could he just excuse himself from the rest of that mission?
I really like the character concept, but I'm afraid it would cause problems for the other players and be too much work for the GM. But what do you think? is it plausible?
Sandoval Smith
Feb 21 2005, 11:29 AM
Even today, prosthetic fingers that will pass most casual inspections aren't that hard to come by. In SR however, I'd say the signifigance would be put on the fact that you cut it off yourself right there. Even if you get a replacement afterwards, taking a blade and removing one of your own digits is still no small feat.
The problem is, what happens when he tries to get hired for a run? if the employer happens to be affiliated with the mafia/triads/seoulpa/whatever, they'll probably balk at the prospect of having one of them do their work. |
If you're in a situation where your Johnson is openly a member of organized crime, he's probably not going to balk, he's probably going to try and kill your character. I'd reccomend taking being a Yak as a 'Dark Secret.' For a lot of reasons, this is something that you're going to want to keep concealed from the rest of the runners. Also, if you end up on a run _against_ Yak interests, you'd better either do a REALLY good job of concealing your invovlement, or keep a list of excuses for when you need to duck out on a run, because if the Yak find out you were part of a run against them, once again you're probably going to be very dead.
Feb 21 2005, 11:39 AM
Having played a Yakuza character (and still playing her, though I expect she'll be pulling a brilliant double-cross in tonights game she probably won't survive).
The thing about the Yaks is that once you're in, you're in for life, really. Even if you buy your way out, there's always the chance that one of your old superiors decides you'd be useful and calls up some long-forgotten obscure debt you need to repay. And seeing as you were part of the family once, they'll likely expect you to honor their need.
And of course they'll be angry if you knowlingly (and sometimes unknmowingly too) step over their toes during a run.
On the plus side, it makes you eglible to some very interesting dark secret, hunted and friends in high places edges/flaws.
Feb 21 2005, 11:45 AM
Runners frequently have things they can not or will not do. Talk to your GM.
The obvious solution for the character is to talk to his fixer and say “I can’t take runs against the yaks or for any of these criminal organisations” (insert list provided by yaks, you did ask permission to moonlight didn’t you).
Having done that your fixer will just not offer you those jobs. Of cause you need to discus the feasibility of that with your GM. If you unknowingly harm there interests you will be given a sever telling of and if you talk fast and well you will ether be asked to pay for the damage or to go and fix the problem, and that is the next run.
As to what if the party discovers something that may damage the yaks. Your response depends on how well you get on with them / trust them. If the yacks don’t know then you can take the party’s word that they wont talk and leave it at that if the yacks do know you could vouch for there honesty (and they better appreciate the position that puts you in). if your superior in the yacks likes you and you cant trust them (or thy are unwilling to accept your word) you can probably stand aside and let others in the organisation take them out. If you piss of your boss over this or you vouch for them and then that tell the tail the only way to save yourself from a very messy and painful death is to deliver the heads of the party to your boss. Depending on how far things went it may be necessary then to “apologise” in the traditional Japanese manner. Pray it never gets that far.
Also as you are still working for them and you have these restrictions on how you can work the day job flaw (at a moderately high value) would be appropriate if you want it. I would probably not take it (try to negotiate for the money and all the inconvenience without the points back) because you intend to leave the job during the game. Loosing a flaw requires you pay 10 points of karma per point value of the flaw (likely you wont have that available at the time) or immediately gain new flaws appropriate. Usually with day job that flaw is extra enemy your old employer, but I believe you wanted to leave on good terms. Talk to your GM about that as well.
In short, I think it is a great idea and it can work but you need to discus the implications with your GM and get him to clear it.
Feb 21 2005, 01:35 PM
The Underworld sourcebook talks about finger-cutting and cyberware, as well as obviously the Yakuza in general. It'd be a good buy if you're making a character with a big Yakuza background.
Feb 21 2005, 05:05 PM
You could always say your character was a Japanese national who planed for a few years to fake his death and then hoped a boat to seattle.
After you get there you can write up something in your background that explaines what you do to appear different so as not to be spotted.
As a last resort (due to the fact your magically active) cosmetic surgery.
If no one in the orginazition belives you to be alive that may be enough.
But a disguise is better no chance someone you worked for/with can show up in seattle and spot you.
Just some thoughts enjoy.
Cynic project
Feb 21 2005, 05:44 PM
The world is a big place. Even Seattle is a big place. No one knows everyone. Shadowrunners shouldn't be known. So, really if you character is from outside of Seattle and doesn't want to be known by the yak, why would he be known?
Feb 21 2005, 10:35 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Runners frequently have things they can not or will not do. Talk to your GM.
The obvious solution for the character is to talk to his fixer and say “I can’t take runs against the yaks or for any of these criminal organisations” (insert list provided by yaks, you did ask permission to moonlight didn’t you).
Which can lead to some hilarious botched runs

. "When did New Sun Systems become a Yak front?"
Feb 22 2005, 02:14 AM
Is the character in question someone who simply works for a Yak or an actual member of the organization?
If the former, getting out is probably going to be about as involved as you describe. This is because the character doesn't know anything that can harm the organization. Though, I don't see the Yaks letting a talented adept stay in this position long. His superiors are going to want to make him committed.
Once he's been made an official member there is only one way out, in a pine wood box. People like the Yaks don't stay in business by being nice, trusting employers who let their people leave with little more than your word that you won't turn on them.
IMO, that leaves you two choices with your character. One is that they are still a member of the Yaks and have been given permission to free-lance or been put on a mission to do so. Either way, the character is probably doing so secretly (dark secret flaw) and none of the other runners will know about it. This gives you and the GM plenty of plot hooks to play with and could make for a fun game.
Another option is that your character has left the Yak. The Yaks would either be hunting him (giving him a hunted flaw depending on how much he knows) or he faked his own death and they don't know he's still walking around (dark secret leading to hunted if found out). Again, I think that gives you and the GM a lot of possible plot hooks and could make for an interesting game.
In any of my examples, the fact that your character is a (former) Yak is a secret and avoids some of the problems you pointed out. On the other hand, if your character is still a Yak, you will probably have to choose between back stabbing your fellow runners and breaking with the Yaks sooner or later.
Feb 22 2005, 06:38 AM
Like Edward said.
Just have your PC state his situation up front and that's that. Doesn't mean there won't be conflict of interest down the line, but the other PCs can't be mad at you if they always knew your Yakuza links since they day 1. And if your contacts hand you a run that turns out to be connected to your clan, they either srewed you or screwed up since they also know of your ties. Either way you won't end up with additional troubles over what the situation itself warrants.
BTW : A yakuza PC probably has an excellent idea of what operation his clan is involved in. He shouldn't be constantly bumping into yak business that he wasn't aware of unless the GM is intent on making the Yak PC seem clueless or makes sure it is a yak operation from a different clan that the oyabun took care to keep secret from his peer.
So really, being Yak is just something that add flavor to a PC and shouldn't be an issue in every run.
Feb 22 2005, 08:14 AM
IRL, Yakuza who don't wanna be in the gang anymore have a few options. The first involves amputation. [which I wonder about in the 6th world; since cyber- and cloned fingers are fairly easy to obtain, has the pinky-cutting lost its edge?] |
The Way My GM Ruled it the Character had to do the Cutting Off by himself, in otherwords voluntarily giving up the essence of the finger. Granted a vat grown finger, or cyber finger would still function, due to the voluntary action it wouldn't work well, or for long, eventually the body would reject it, completely pshycosomatically.
Feb 22 2005, 08:16 AM
QUOTE (Weredigo) |
The Way My GM Ruled it the Character had to do the Cutting Off by himself, in otherwords voluntarily giving up the essence of the finger. Granted a vat grown finger, or cyber finger would still function, due to the voluntary action it wouldn't work well, or for long, eventually the body would reject it, completely pshycosomatically. |
by that rationale no one could voluntarily get a replacement cyberlimb. ever.
Feb 22 2005, 08:48 AM
Untrue. if it's lost in combat it can still be replaced, it's not like you took the knife to it.
Feb 22 2005, 10:54 AM
QUOTE (Weredigo) |
Untrue. if it's lost in combat it can still be replaced, it's not like you took the knife to it. |
Note vapor's use of the word 'voluntarily'.
Large Mike
Feb 22 2005, 03:07 PM
Cutting off one's finger will not get you out. When you forget to pick up you oyabun after his card game and leave him standing in the rain, *that* might cost you a joint on your pinky.
Buying your way out may work, depending on the oyabun. Many of them would even accept 'I'm not cut out for this life." To leave their employ and continue to work in the industry almost implies that a) the outfit you was so incompetant that you'd be better off on your own or 2) that you're a giant snob who thinks he's better than his oyabun, who's done nothing but love and care for his kobun. (Even if it isn't the truth... there's a saying: If your Oyabun says a passing crow is white, it's white.) Either of these options are good, solid ways of seeing what the inside of a hospital looks life, if not a coffin.
Large Mike
Feb 22 2005, 03:08 PM
Oh, and you don't lose essence until you start adding chrome, no matter how much gets chopped off.
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