Well, we just had Megacon this past weekend - I didn't have as many SR players show up as I would have liked - we basically broke even. We had some regulars return, and had some new players join in on the fun - about six of them!

I met Satan this weekend...yes, that's right, one of the players in my own backyard is responsible for writing up a series of articles in one of the D20 magazines on how to do cyberware in the D20 system...i feel so unclean... wink.gif

He did, however, have some good questions, and I intend on writing up some mini articles for everyone to explain the campaign position on the following:

* How much time to spend on data searches, how long do they take, and what you can do at the same time
* Investigating the Johnson/Fixer and the mission itself
* "Karma loss" for not achieving mission goals.

If you have any other topics you'd like to see covered as to why we do something in the campaign, or you'd like a more in-depth explanation for a certain rule or concept in the game, go ahead and post it here....