Talia Invierno
Mar 13 2005, 07:50 PM
Allies automatically have Sorcery and at least one spell they can cast. There is nothing in canon to suggest that an ally doesn't have the same TN penalty for sustaining a spell as any other spellcaster, although there might be a suggestion that the ally can sustain a spell for the caster at the same time as doing its own thing.
Can an ally bond a sustaining focus? More drastically, can an ally be conceived to inhabit a sustaining focus, and be able to take full advantage of it? Heck, can one of the forms of an ally be linked directly to a sustaining focus, with the intent that the ally should be able to use it? (I draw the line at it being that focus, since in a way it already is. I'm talking about linking an already existing focus in with the ally's formula.)
Would there be any limit on the rating of such a focus, while still being fully usable by the ally? Could an ally become subject to focus addiction?
Mar 13 2005, 09:53 PM
I would allow it. Foci have enough disadvantages that it would add very interesting twists both working for and against such an ally. I would enforce "focus addiction" for an ally spirit. I might give it different fluff by calling it astral entrapment or some such. Perhaps a sprit bonding to foci like that risk becoming a "demon in a bottle" with high force foci. Maybe not perfectly thought out, but my

[edit] Of course, since allies can't earn karma, the magician would have to do this all with a ritual of change or some such like you said. [/edit]
Mar 13 2005, 09:59 PM
It would have to be an inhabited homonculus/sustaining combination focus at the very least, since in order to inhabit a focus, an ally must use its inhabiting power which is limited to animal form and a homonculus. Allies follow any and all rules for regular spellcasting, so it takes the +2 modifier for sustaining. When they go free, the rules change, but that's another story.
Mar 13 2005, 11:17 PM
QUOTE (Talia Invierno) |
Can an ally bond a sustaining focus? |
When I suggested this, it was pointed out there are no rules for giving an ally karma.
QUOTE (Talia Invierno) |
Could an ally become subject to focus addiction? |
I would say yes.
If I were going to allow something along this line, I would require the inhabiting power in a Homunculus and have the Homunculus be a stacked focus with the sustaining focus.
Nov 22 2005, 03:20 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
QUOTE (Talia Invierno) | Can an ally bond a sustaining focus? |
When I suggested this, it was pointed out there are no rules for giving an ally karma.
I do not know why I did not think of this at the time, but the magician could pay the enchanter the 5000 nuyen per karma point to bond the focus to the ally. If the ally belongs to the enchanter, the enchanter can pay the karma to bond the focus to the ally.
(Too bad I can not find the other thread!)
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