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::on the heels of the SR4 announcement::

The Neo-Anachist's Guide to Everything Else will return in May with issue 10!

It will be revamped with an updated look and TONS of artwork by yours truely and others. We've got a good jump on things but...


Gear, Adventures, New Magic, Locations, Artwork, and just about anything else you can think of to fill out the magazine. We've got a couple of articles and such in the bag already but we could always use more. If your interested in submitting ideas, drop a line to

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.

Neuron Basher
Does your new NAGEE project have any relationship to the original?
Absolutely. I've been speaking with Gurth (creator of issues 7-9) and he's considering coming on as an Editor.
Neuron Basher
Good to hear. I've been around since well before NAGEE 1, so I was just curious. smile.gif
Crimsondude 2.0
There are NAGEE 7-9 issues?
You can check out issues 1-9 at Plastic Warriors or you can download Wordman's 1-6 Compilaton here.
Any particulars about the art you need? Like only in black and white? Any specific sizes or resolutions? Do you need specific art or just anything Shadowrun related? And when do you need them by?
mattness pl
Kenshi - when and how?
Shadow Scholar - Anything Shadowrun related would be just fine. Color or Black & White. As far as resolution, the higher the better. Any format will do except for BMP (just a personal preference - I hate bitmap). I have the software to convert images to any format I need.

We need submissions now. Any submissions not used in issue 10 will be kept for possible use in later issues. Send them in ASAP. The more content we have, the better the final product. I'll be in charge of editing but 99% of the time, it will only be spelling and grammatical errors or I may ask you to tweak small details.

We are hoping for a mid-May release. I'll narrow it down in the next few weeks.
Is there a particular file format you want non art saved as?
the following text formats are good: DOC, RTF, PDF, TXT, & HTML
Just *bumped* this thread to remind everyone that we're still looking for submissions for issue 10 of the NAGEE. The new website is almost complete and we're still on track for a May release. Please send your submissions to
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