Sep 12 2003, 07:44 PM
Id like to see some Shadowrun gear. I think important to illustrate the atmosphere a bit for helping the players. I got Fields of Fire, Street Sam Catalog, Contacts. I d like to know some books worthing acquire for illustrating the world. I thinking in get Rigger Black Book with a friend (he says it illustrate some cool vehicles). Is there some other sourcebook that illustrate the Shadowrun World gear - guns, vehicles, etc.?? (Shadowtech maybe?)
Zeel De Mort
Sep 12 2003, 07:52 PM
Yeah a lot of the 2nd edition books (which you have) are good for that. Rigger 3 Revised has pictures of almost every vehicle and drone in it, but if you have the old R3 already it's not really worth it for that I guess. Otherwise definately buy it.
Sep 12 2003, 09:00 PM
Shadowtech and Cybertechnology also have lots of pretty pictures as well as some interesting background reading.
The Abstruse One