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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
OK, I know a lot of you have been spinning around like tops since GAMA and the announcement of SR4. Well, I'm here to answer your questions finally...

1) Yes, there will be a Shadowrun, 4th Edition. It's not a joke. The Shadowrun Missions campaign will, however, stay with 3rd Edition rules until the end of the current story arc, which is slated for Origins 2006. Starting with Gencon Indy 2006, the campaign will start a new story arc in line with the established timeline, and will operate with 4th Edition mechanics. We wanted to give everyone a chance to keep a steady course and not worry about character conversion and other issues that would get in the middle of enjoying the game. We also want to give FanPro time to get out some of the other core books for 4th Edition so that we can integrate everything in one swoop.

2) We are still in need of writers! we currently only have adventures in the works to get us through Gencon Indy - if you want to play SRM after that, you need to help write an adventure or poke someone you know to write one.

3) Springtime brings along with it the Spring Equinox, and the main yearly meeting of the Spirit Lodge. This year's meeting was fantastic, and I thank all the participants, especially those young women that took part in the fertility festival! For those in the Spirit Lodge that could not make the meeting, please welcome our newest members when you get a chance, and congrats to our new clan representatives:

Donnor, Speaker for Whale
Natascha, Speaker for Raccoon

As such, they can call upon the services of their fellow clan members once per month, calling 1D3 shamans of the same totem.

Please note that while many apply to the Spirit Lodge for membership, only those that speak to the traditional totem paths will be accepted. We unfortunately do not have the facilities for Wuxing, Voudoun, or other traditions of shamanistic magic.

4) last, but not least, i'm afraid that personal commitments/responsibilities have forced me to pull back from many of my activities, including Campaign Director for Shadowrun Missions. I actually stepped down a couple of weeks ago, but have been trying to get up the gumption to post the news here. For now, temporarily, the job falls upon the capable shoulders of Scott Taylor, who runs the shadows as "Clutch". He is also in charge of the Commando program. I will be working with Clutch when I can to help him along. Some day I may return, but until then, I wish you all luck, shoot straight, and of course, never deal with a dragon...unless he offers you tea and chocolates first... cool.gif
QUOTE (bitrunner)
Natascha, Speaker for Raccoon

Yeeha, that's actually a player from my group.
QUOTE (bitrunner)
4) last, but not least, i'm afraid that personal commitments/responsibilities have forced me to pull back from many of my activities, including Campaign Director for Shadowrun Missions.

Even though I heard of this before, again: I'm sorry to see you quitting. Thanks for a job well done.

On a more formal note:
Are future event requests and event reports to be sent directly to Clutch?
yes - of course, if you are using the, they'll come to me until the mail gets changed over, and i'll forward them...
Dark father
Well Rich, Thanks a lot for the work done. Your editing of my scenario was an incredible job, and I also liked to communicate with you. I hope to hear from you in the future!

I'm happy to see that SRM will continue, since it's an excellent program. I will continue to do my best for my group, since I think they like the campaign. And I'm ready to volunteer again to keep the campaign going.
Mr. Man
So when can we expect to see descriptions for Gen Con Indy 2005 SRM events? Event registration opens tommorow...
Yes descriptions for Gen Con 2005 please! Registration opens today! eek.gif
DragonCon Registration is also now open. Hope to see at least a few there. Pending getting a few copies of SR4 from GenCon I will be at least running 2-3 sessions of Character Building and a possible Run with pregen 4th or table made Characters. So we will see.
Let's hope that this year hurricanes don't buffet the state of Florida and prevent my annual trip to DC. If I'm there, I'll be playing.

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