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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
In numerous books are said that you can install one imaging system that contains up to three of any imaging systems BUT can you add ultrasound, scope and flash light in one system?

if i look back of C&C they all are listed in imaging system section thus this is possible or are im missing something?
are they all the "same" imaging systems thus one big chuck of all kind of imaging systems top of my gun is possible?
I'd say it would look like a streamlined chunk. CC doesn't specify whether you add up the Conceal penalties or not, and so the exact effect is up to you.

It could be an Ultrasound Sight with a flashlight attached to the left, and a scope mounted to the right along the top of the gun, or the Scope with the sight mounted along the side of the barrel, with the flashlight "built in" to the scope somehow.

Just remember the book does specify you can switch between the systems, implying that you can only use one at a time.
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