Cynic project
Jul 19 2005, 05:41 AM
I am running a game this wensday and well I need a good street level adventure.
It looks leiker there will be 2 ,maybe 3 or if I am lucky 4 players. But most likely only 2 players.
Digital Heroin
Jul 19 2005, 06:00 AM
Something as simple as recon can make for a good street level adventure. Or if you're feeling mean, a delivery through gangland is also a good one. Especially if they're delivering something to one gang, and the way they happen to take is rival gang turf...
Jul 19 2005, 12:47 PM
I had a streetlevel encounter that turned into a nice campaign hook...
The group ran into the "wrong neighborhood" and were confronted by a gang. In order to prove they weren't wimps and losers they had to race the best ganger on a motorcycle course through the neighborhood. The PC didn't win, but gave a good showing, and it gave the gang's shaman a chance to assense the PCs and tell if they were on the level.
The gang turned out to be a bunch of local militia boys who actually protected the area, and they gave the runners a scout and surveil job on an encroaching gang. It went well.
Jul 19 2005, 12:49 PM
Oh, and I really hammed up the NPCs. Total charactures of gangers with the strong, silent, massive troll leader in the back. When he finally did speak (after the race) he sounded like a combination of Mickey Mouse and Mike Tyson on helium. It was a good laugh.
Jul 19 2005, 02:34 PM
One of the more successful hooks for the street for me involved the disappearance of the homeless. Most people wouldn't care, and there's not a lot of cred in that community, but if it came out that the ork priest down at the shelter was really a wendigo who was eating bums after late night confessions.....there may be some good karmic rewards in it, plus the wendigo may have something valuable as well....
Or maybe the PC's are paid off by Project Hope or some other arm of the old UB to stop the deaths.. after all, they need the homeless as well to create "productive members of society."
Cynic project
Jul 19 2005, 04:02 PM
I was hoping for like a name of an adeventure..i don't really care it is is an old one. I can get ahold of a whole lot of the adventure books.
Jul 19 2005, 05:18 PM
In that case:
Double Exposure: Ties to homeless and bug hunting.
Missing Blood: from Universal Brotherhood (If you can find it) decent bug hunt.
DNA/DOA: Decent Street stuff, anti corp run
A Killing Glare: Fun run, but mighty public with the Urban Brawl game at the end.
Physical - From Harlequin - Very good newbie run
Maybe some of the stuff from "First Run," like food fight... etc..
The adventure from the first NAN book is pretty cool too (Peacekeeper?), if you like toxic shamans.
It may help if you can get your hands on a copy of Mr Johnson's Little Black Book.. or better yet, an intact copy of Sprawl Sites.. They have tons of smaller hooks in them.
I'd stay away from Imago, Dragon Hunt, One Stage Before, Brainscan, H's Back and Bottled Demon unless you want the group to die twitching horrible deaths, if they are an inexperienced and undergeared group.
The other ones out there (Mercurial, Total Eclipse, Paradise Lost, Celtic Double Cross.. etc) tend to be high profile jobs, though our group had great fun going through Paradise Lost and dealing with the wierdness in Eye Witness.
Hope that helps!
Jul 19 2005, 08:37 PM
A nice, easy street level mission could be running enforcement, protection rackets, take on a predatory go-gang, your landlord somehow heard you were into dangerous toys and said he'd cut your rent in half if you could keep the gangs away from your building, ect.
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