Jul 22 2005, 06:00 PM
So I'm looking at buying a HUD (BBB pg. 287)for a pair of goggles for my PC and realize that after street index I'm looking at 120k on a price. I do a little comparitive shopping and come to find that the HUD that you can build into a security helmet has half the memory allocation of the other HUD unit listed but costs only 2k after street index (BBB pg. 284).
I checked over the errata and haven't found squat about this. Has anyone else? Any suggestions if not?
Jul 22 2005, 06:02 PM
Change it so it makes sense to you. A lot of prices for stupid items like that are a load of junk. Remember they wrote this a while ago, and technology has changed much.
Jul 22 2005, 06:07 PM
*nods* I looked over the FAQ real quick too and didn't find any answers either. I know that MP on computers has always been a pretty big issue on these boards, just was hoping something had been released by Fanpro on it.
I'm just going to pay the cost on the security helmet version and run it by my GM next session.
Jul 22 2005, 07:59 PM
The fact that these are basically mobile monitors, it hurts my head that you have to have MP for them in the first place.
Jul 22 2005, 08:27 PM
Really you shouldn't *have* to have MP for them. Though having some amount of storage memory would come in handy. Basically I want one just to link to a GPS system. Overlay maps and other GPS information on the HUD.
Having an extra 100 mp though to upload frequently used maps into the HUDs memory is always nice. At 600 an MP though I'd have to pass. At 20 a pop though it's not unreasonable.
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