May 10 2007, 03:39 PM
I know many of you out there don't care, and might even consider this videogame the BANE of Shadowrun's existence. For those of you that do want to know you can read it here:
http://www.1pstart.com/shadowrun-goes-gold...s-release-date/1P Start » Blog Archive » Shadowrun Goes Gold & Receives Release Date
Jun 1 2007, 05:41 AM
I think fans should give this one a chance:
has it occured to any of you that this game still takes place in the Shadowrun world?
why should people consider it a bane just because it's not in Seattle? it even explained why there's no orks in the game (the story is they were driven out.)
dealing with fixers isn't the only thing people do in the setting. you're still fighting corps, there's still magic and cyberware, and the various races.
have none of you played a campaign with an alternate premise other than just taking missions from the various crime elements of Seattle?
I've also seen people complain about the tribal style music in the game, which is ridiculous considering the amount of shamanistic and spiritual aspects to the overall story behind the setting.
I'[m not saying people need to buy this game, I'm just saying you shouldn't comepletely disregard this game just because you don't hack anything or bust up a group of Halloweeners.
Ninja Bearbot
Jun 1 2007, 09:58 AM
I am having a blast with this game.
Regardless of all discrepancies it is fun, and more than a few people online were talking about dusting off the dice and picking up 4th ed.
Keep your fingers crossed people. RPG video game could be soon.
Caine Hazen
Jun 2 2007, 12:18 AM
I actually wish I had a system to run it... a few more weeks here and I will soon have my new rig ready to roll
Jun 5 2007, 03:45 AM
The game is really fun...although it is Shadowrun only in name.
Jun 6 2007, 09:55 PM
QUOTE (Jimmy_the_Fixer) |
why should people consider it a bane just because it's not in Seattle? it even explained why there's no orks in the game (the story is they were driven out.) |
err...The fact it is not in Seattle is not the problem. The real problem is they took all the previous stories and background of Shadowrun, blast them with a panther cannon and made something completly new up.
The game is fun though.
Jun 9 2007, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (Ninja Bearbot) |
Keep your fingers crossed people. RPG video game could be soon. |
It'll never get an RPG - or, at least, not from FASA Studios. MS has reduced them to their minimum to support this game, effectively destroying the studio. Basically, once game support's no longer needed, FASA are no more.
Sad, but true.
I also hated the demo. It was, well, Counterstrike.
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