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Full Version: DSF Server Move Completed
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Neuron Basher
The Dumpshock Forums have been moved to the new server that was mentioned the other day. Some of you may have noticed that things were up briefly and then rolled back -- we had a minor database problem and had to rollback an hour or so. At this point, everything should be stable.

There are quite a few Dumpshock related sites that are going to be down over the next few days as I work to get them migrated to the new server, but I wanted to get the forums moved ahead of time if possible. Fortunately it worked out and we were able to avoid any major interruption here. Please bear with me as I work to get the rest of the sites up.
Kepp up the good work buddy, looking forward to all the linked sites again:-)
Hey Neuron, any idea when the IRC services might be back up?
Caine Hazen
QUOTE (Maelwys)
Hey Neuron, any idea when the IRC services might be back up?

No one loves you, or your little IRC!

I wish I still had time to get on....
QUOTE (Caine Hazen)
QUOTE (Maelwys @ May 15 2007, 10:33 PM)
Hey Neuron, any idea when the IRC services might be back up?

No one loves you, or your little IRC!

I wish I still had time to get on....

Pfft, while no one may love IRC, lets face it, everyone loves *me*

And its a shame to deprive them smile.gif
Any estimation when the wiki's gonna be online again? I miss my writing & editing fix...
Neuron Basher
Yeah, sorry for the silence on my end. I'm working on getting things moved over, I've just been buried at work this week and have a lot going on this weekend. Regardless of that, I'm going to spend time on it Sunday night and try to get the majority of the sites restored.

Neuron Basher
Update: and the Sixth World Wiki have been restored.

It's going to be a couple of days before I can get back to it and bring anything else back online.
Ancient History
'coo. Thanks NB.
Neuron Basher
More recoveries:

The Ancient Files
Dystopian Visions
Herkimer's Lair
The Shadowrun Supplemental

And now I'm really done for the weekend. My wife is going to kill me. eek.gif
Any news on the IRC server?
Fygg Nuuton
Any idea when the matrix sites will be back up?
Ancient History
Daddy, are we there yet?
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Daddy, are we there yet?

No! And if you ask again I'll pull this car over and give you something to whine about!
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Daddy, are we there yet?

Don't make me roll this webserver!
Neuron Basher

1. IRC. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like IRC will be making a return. The server move was really a move from our own colocated server to a VDS or virtual server hosted on HTML.COM's hosting cluster. As you long-timers know, HTML.COM has provided free hosting for Dumpshock for a number of years, and this was in the form of free rack space and bandwidth. They recently changed data centers to a location which would have made it cost prohibitive for me to continue to host the physical servers with them. HTML.COM doesn't feel comfortable with us running an IRC server in one of their VDS systems because of the historic problems that IRC networks have had with DDoS attacks and the like. At this point I don't have a way to host an IRC server, but I'm happy to publicize one if anyone else wants to take up the slack.

2. The remaining sites and mailing lists will make it up eventually. I have been slammed with life in general (selling my house, end of the kids' school year, work, etc) and just haven't had the time to get to it. It's on my list.
I noticed tonight when I logged in that the address is currently directing to the Ancient Files rather than the standard WordPress page.

Uncertain if this was caused by bringing more of the sites online.

Kagetenshi has always been the Ancient Files. The chocolate ration is being increased to fifteen grams. Report crimethink soonly.

Well, thanks for the information Mark. Sucks that IRC is gone, seems alot of people have scattered to the winds.

If any of them are smart enough to check here, you can find me on Undernet, just look for Maelwys or MaelAFK smile.gif
Timeline Explorer somwhere on that list of Things To Do I hope?
mattness pl
Hi, folks.
Few qustions:

- - is it new adress of ShadowRN? I found there my post sent to dumpshock mailing list...
- I can't reach . Just me, or this site isn't back yet?

NB, maybe link to external IRC on would be enough for DS community? Just a thought.
I'll toss my vote in for getting the RayGun site back up. I need my weapons fix.
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