May 14 2007, 01:53 PM
well, i have a question:
Do you have those strange spaces on the wrong places between words? Can't really describe it so i will write an example (made up, not an actual mistake):
"When th erunners visi tthe pub [...] "
The first letter of a word is often at the end of the word before.... thats really weird to read.....
I think this mistakes aren't when i just view the pdf in the acrobat reader, but when i print it...
May 14 2007, 03:52 PM
Acrobat does weird things sometimes with justified text. I'm afraid I don't have a better answer for it than that, but I've seen the same problem in all kinds of PDF documents. You might try a different PDF reader or, if you don't have the latest version, a newer version of Acrobat.
May 15 2007, 01:04 PM
Could also be your print driver and the local fonts on your machine. There are settings within a printer's properties that specify whether you want to use fonts on your machine (like those embedded in the Missions .pdfs) or the fonts on the printer. When using printer fonts, they may not match the document fonts exactly. Adobe Reader tries to make a "best guess" as to how the document will appear during printing when displaying it on your screen.
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