This version has Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Dungeons & Dragons, and World of WarCraft. None of which I'm affiliated with.
I really would like to add the races of Middle Earth, because they're a very obvious gap in the table. Though I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the dwarves are about 4 feet tall.

These heights may change depending on what version/site you look at. These are averages or values selected from the given range of heights, which can vary by a lot.
Feet to Meter Conversions provided by an awesome calculator here
Your Basic Cross-Species Height List: Version 1.01
1'6 0.46m
Windlings/Pixies (ED)
3' 0.91m
Gnomes (D&D), Gnomes (WoW), Goblins (WoW), Halflings (D&D)
4' 1.22m
Dwarves (D&D), Dwarves (SR), Dwarves (WoW)
5' 1.52m
Elves (D&D),
5'7 1.70m
Humans ("Average height" for SR)
5'9 1.75m
T'skrang/Lizardfolk (ED)
6'3 1.91m
Elves (SR), Orks (SR)
6'6 1.98m
Half-Orcs (D&D), High/Blood Elves (WoW), Orcs (WoW),
7' 2.13m
Gnolls (WoW)
7'3 2.21m
Obsidimen/Rockmen (ED)
7'6 2.28m
Draenei (WoW), Night Elves (WoW), Trolls (WoW). Tauren (WoW) have been reported as either being about this height, or 12' 3.66m, which is odd...
8'3 2.51m
Half-Giant (D&D), Wendigo (SR)
8'6 2.59m
Trolls (ED)
9'3 2.82m
Trolls (SR)
9'6 2.90m
Sasquatch (SR)
10'6 3.20m
Formorian/Vampiric Troll (SR)
11'6 3.50m
Giants (SR)