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Full Version: Command and Conquer 3
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Just curious to see if anyone else is playing this. I just picked it up (finally, the early buyers would say), and just got done laying the smack down on NOD in the third mission.

So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I will say that overall, I'm getting a tad tired of the same four missions being recycled in every single RTS single player campaign. I realize that a lot of people buy these things for the online competitive play, but I wish the devs would put just a bit more into the single player for those of us that aren't really into that.

So far, if I were to look at it negatively, I haven't seen anything yet that's making me happy I bought it now instead of when it hit the bargain bin. But my wife is out of town, I'm drinking beer and playing uninterrupted video games, and I'm enjoying myself, so I'll give it a pass on that for now. smile.gif
not until the new patch comes out. mp is sooo unbalanced.
MP? (Sorry, I'm only 3 missions in.)
Multiplayer, presumably.

Oh. Ha. Yeah, I'm hip. I'm "with it".

Nah, I just don't do multiplayer. Not down with the vernacular. wink.gif
Yeah I've played it for awhile, quite a few missions on GDI, then after my computer got nuked, I started with Nod and have played as far again.

I believe if you play through both campaigns you can unlock a third one...

The game is vastly improved from Tiberian Sun. The settings seems alot darker, the graphics are great, and the videos are better that in TS (and TS ones were good IMO).

Alot of "fluff" is in the game, for example instead of just clicking on a map where you want to attack, each option has a small video and briefing before you chose it.

In game you can get alot of information about the units, tactics etc. as you progress, which you can read at your leisure.

And the units seems fairly balanced as well, not just pumping tanks asap and then winning.
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