Wounded Ronin
May 23 2007, 09:20 PM
I was wondering if any of the gamers here could recommend good sniping games to me. What I'd be looking for in a sniping game is more realism; I would like to be able to adjust scopes for range and have the gameplay be slower-paced and demanding of more careful stealth.
I've already played some games that sort of fit this bill but IMO none of them fit it ideally. I've played:
Line of Sight: Vietnam - this is a really fun sniping game set in the Vietnam War. The game pace is slower and stealth is key as taking a shot when enemies can detect your position usually results in them circling behind you and killing you. However, it's not terribly difficult to make the shots and although you can adjust zoom on your scope you can't adjust for range.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - this is the only FPS game I've played that actually lets you adjust not only the zoom on your scope but also adjust for range. It's possible to aim your crosshairs higher or lower than the target appears to make your shot depending on the distance of the target and the range you've sighted your scope in for. However, in practice you never use this feature in this game since most of the combat is at relatively close range and it ends up being more like a typical semi-realistic FPS where you end up spraying autofire with your carbine and sprinting to cover. There appears to be no accuracy penalty for walking and shooting at the same time.
America's Army - I really loved the sniper qualification range where you had to go prone, deploy a bipod, and fire when fully exhaled to hit the white target silhouette way out on the range. However, in practice, you never end up making these kinds of trick shots in multiplayer because basically things take place at much closer range.
I suppose that there might not actually be games like what I'm looking for. I suppose that the nature of most FPS engines is that there's a limit to how far away you can have enemies be without hitting system limitations.
mattness pl
May 25 2007, 05:37 AM
May 25 2007, 04:02 PM
This is a bit of a stretch, but you'd probably enjoy Thief: Deadly Shadows. Basically, if you ever get in a fight you've done something horribly wrong. You snipe guys with a bow, so you have to adjust for range, or you sneak up behind them and hit them over the head.
This probably isn't what you were looking for, but it sounds like something you might enjoy.
Wounded Ronin
May 26 2007, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the links to the flash games. They will definitely occupy my attention for a while. Now I just have to find an Army field manual on long range marksmanship so that I know all the things that I need to.
I'll also keep an eye out for Theif, Moon-Hawk. Too bad Looking Glass went belly up, huh?
Jun 5 2007, 03:49 AM
Sniper Elite was pretty good. Lots of stealth but mediocre graphics. Also, you can play co-op.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 5 2007, 09:56 PM
Well, I don't give a damn about graphics, as is evidenced by my playing abandonware from the late 80s and early 90s. If Electronic Arts' SEAL Team and Microprose's Covert Action are good enough for me I'm pretty sure I could enjoy any other title with decent gameplay.
Jun 9 2007, 06:38 AM
It isn't so much a sniping simulation but there is something similar. Red Orchestra is a Steam FPS set on the eastern front of WWII. Bullet drop doesn't matter much in the ranges used but the tank simulation is great. Tanks have the requisite weak rear armor but the engine and ammo storage seem to be actual locations inside the tank that it checks to see if your shell hits. A straight on hit will have a higher chance to penetrate than a glancing hit. And the scopes are all accurate to the real tank's scopes. Some of which adjust for elevation, some don't, some have the range "slope" thing others are simple cross hairs.
It's a multiplayer game may not be your thing but it's close enough to sniping and is more involved than putting a head in the center of the screen and clicking.
My favorite kill was with the soviet anti tank rifle sniping at tanks (bullet drop does matter with thing iron sighted thing). A tank figured out where I was so I shot the driver through his open peep hole window and the dead tank came to rest almost on top of me.
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