Nov 9 2003, 06:05 PM
3 searches per minute is very limiting and discourages searching. Can you please shorten the wait period between searches to 10 seconds instead of 20 seconds?
Nov 9 2003, 10:26 PM
While on the time limit, how possible would it be to lower the post waiting time, too? Those of us on faster-than-dialup speeds find it rather annoying to have to wait a full half minute before being able to reply. At least I do, that is.
Nov 9 2003, 11:07 PM
Psht. Take it like a man, woman, or small fuzzy creature from Alpha Centauri.
Though I agree on the search flooding. 20 seems longish.
Nov 9 2003, 11:08 PM
What if I'm a large hairy creature from Beta Centauri? What then, huh?
Sorry. </offtopic>
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