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Full Version: 20 second search flood wait
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
3 searches per minute is very limiting and discourages searching. Can you please shorten the wait period between searches to 10 seconds instead of 20 seconds?
While on the time limit, how possible would it be to lower the post waiting time, too? Those of us on faster-than-dialup speeds find it rather annoying to have to wait a full half minute before being able to reply. At least I do, that is.
Psht. Take it like a man, woman, or small fuzzy creature from Alpha Centauri.
Though I agree on the search flooding. 20 seems longish.

What if I'm a large hairy creature from Beta Centauri? What then, huh?

Sorry. </offtopic>
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