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I was surfing through Facebook and found this posted on a Shadowrun Group. I am not sure if anyone else has posted this here already. The site doesn't look anywhere near as good as DS.

"soon to be best shadowrun forum on the net!
go register!" as quoted by some person on Facebook
Looks like it's focused heavily on the video game that's due out this year.
I love seeing people spell it as two words. It really shows their understanding of the game. wink.gif
Ahh but they do understand the game 100%........ wobble.gif spin.gif rotfl.gif

Ok sorry I tried to say it with a straight face but alas this is the stuff that will show up because of poor decisions on how to make a video game version of Shadowrun.

Sadly we'll just have work on those that get interested in the game to explain that the game we play is the proper interpretation of the rules and game mechanics for Shadowrun.

Before anyone whines about my post no I have nothing against the game well nothing other than I don't like how they wrote the story for it but bah like it matters at least the names is out there getting exposed.
QUOTE (Bastlynn)
Looks like it's focused heavily on the video game that's due out this year.

Saw it at Target today...
They are using the shadowrun rpg logo from the website rather than the fasa interactive logo from Yet they are failiing to give the wizkids copyright notice required to use the shadowrunrpg property.
I also question even the moderators truthfulness factor. Hes claiming to have a (roughly) ¥4600 PC. Mostly because the MB he claims to have dosent support (aka have the space) for a water block thanks to its massive heat pipes.

Besides, its a vista only product. *gags*
QUOTE (Lindt)
Besides, its a vista only product. *gags*

There's a crack out now that makes it playable on XP. wink.gif
Wait, ¥4600? That's like... 42 bucks.
Wow! Just looking at the index page and the user names shown on the right side tells you all you need to know about this site...

QUOTE (eidolon)
I love seeing people spell it as two words. It really shows their understanding of the game. wink.gif

Im glad someone thinks the same as me. biggrin.gif
*Puts running shoes and jogging shorts away hurriedly*

You mean we aren't doing a marathon at night?
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