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Full Version: Wiki Love
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Hey there are some cool new features for wiki's.

"Variables", "math equations", and "templates". Variables reference stuff and then adds that information to a website automatically like how many people are using that page or the date or who last edited the page and when all kinds of stuff.

Math let you add LaTeX math code to make equations?? I thought it could be used as a dice roller or something but it looks like its just used by nerds to show math eqautions or something?

And the most exciting feature for gamers. Templates!!!! You can now make template pages and then make new pages using the templates.
*Cough cough*

LaTeX is useful for many things, but is most often used for mathematical typesetting. It is Turing-complete, though, so if they haven't restricted execution (a fantastically bad idea), you could use it as a dieroller.

It should also be added that these are new features for this particular wiki software, not the general concept of the wiki, which can have whatever features you put in your particular distribution. $wikispaces \in wiki$, but $wiki \notin wikispaces$

(That said, LaTeX is the most exciting feature for everyone. If you aren't excited, you should be.)

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