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Full Version: Noob to play by post/email
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Ok folks, Im stationed in the middle of no where and lacking a solid gaming group. Decided to turn my search to an online game either play by post or play by email, but pretty clueless to how it works and how get in a group.

Also Im new to the rules for shadowrun being out of the loop for years.

So hoping maybe to find someone to either take me under their wing or point me in the direction to self educate myself a bit more here.
Just watch the welcome to the shadows subforum. There's usaully a game or two recuiting every so often.
Like Meriss said, there's games in the Welcome to the Shadows section. Post in a recruitment thread that suits your fancy. A lot of the currently running games lsoe players as well, so you can alwasy try PMing the person running the game and asking if they have any space available. You may get a No, but you may get a Yes.

There's also other sites like What edition are you tring to get in on?

As for general questions, post something specific in the appropriate forum or read up the posts that are there. Lots of information to work off of.

For how the PbP works, well for the most part, just follow a thread for afew pages. most have an In Character and Out Of Character thread for things like rules debate, banter, and so on.
Having not played for years and missing some of 2nd and all of 3rd edition, Im assuming 4th would be easiest for me to get into.
If you haven' been set in you ways for SR2/3 then 4 would be eaiser to pick up. The rules are easy to learn and a bit more uniform, and you won't get flooded with as many extra rules books, as they're not all out yet. wink.gif Give you a chance to pace your self in to the game.

If you're looking for a few things to catch up on for details , there's a few books to look at.

Year of the Comet covers the '60-'61 area with some changes in magic.

Blood in the Boardroom goes over the fall of Fuchi and the rise of Novatech

Renraku Arcology: Shutdown covers the rise of Deus, the otaku, Renraku's continuing problems, and keys in to where the metaplot goes next.

System failure covers the '64 crash

Shadows of North America, Europe, and Asia cover all of those areas in the '63 area, and have a lot of setting info. Most of the details can be found on the Timeline explorer her on Dumpshock (when it's back up) in extreme detail, or in the Sixth World Wiki in more over view.
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