Jun 29 2007, 05:30 PM
Hey guys,
I've got a group of two going right now, but I'm hoping to add one or two more players to the game. It'd be cool if anyone in the LA areas is interested. I'm in Santa Monica, but we also play in North Hollywood occasionally. Who's in?
Jul 7 2007, 05:53 PM
Nobody likes LA, I guess...
That's cool, I don't either.
Jul 8 2007, 09:36 PM
I live north of Santa Monica (Simi / Thousand Oaks / Moorpark area)....
Maybe we can work something out to work our groups together, as I have a group of four right now, myself included.
Jul 8 2007, 09:42 PM
That would be interesting! We've only just started playing, but I'd be interested in joining/having some join us.
What year are you guys in?
Jul 8 2007, 09:55 PM
It hasn't really been decided yet, since we have basically just done character creation so far, but we are using the SR4 system for everything.
Any meetings of our groups may be a tad difficult now that I think of it, as three of our four don't really drive at all (one being myself, but that is only for lack of a car and the funding to get a new one). Right now we currently meet at the Borders in Thousand Oaks, right where the 23 meets the 101, as it kind of central, easy to find, and also where I work, and since I am the GM that is what matters I guess. If we could work something out that would be amazing though.
Jul 10 2007, 06:10 PM
Damn! Finally not one, but possibly two groups playing in the L.A. area and both are too damned far. I'm in North Orange County...
Jul 10 2007, 09:03 PM
Ya that sucks, you're like JUST out of reach. I mean, I'm in Santa Monica, but I know my two players would not be down to travel.
LA's just too big.
Jul 11 2007, 02:30 AM
Gah. I'm in North Orange County as well, just outside of every group in existence it seems.
Jul 11 2007, 02:46 AM
Once LA floods it will be much easier to get around, just grab a jet boat and skip over to the next plex. Things will have to be closer that way.
Jul 11 2007, 04:22 AM
Know a good jet boat provider? We should go do a little "pickup"
Mar 11 2010, 09:01 PM
Hoi chummers,
Just moved to North Hollywood from Vancouver. Any shadowrunners around for weekend games?
-Macavity <12:59:06/The-Mystery-Cat>
Mar 25 2010, 05:16 PM
I am down near Lax. I new to 4th ed but not to shadowrun. Can I get info on your game.
Kovu Muphasa
Mar 26 2010, 05:08 AM
I'm In the Corona/Riverside Area
Mar 26 2010, 11:33 PM
I can volunteer my place to game if people want to set up a regular game down near LAX right off the 405 freeway.
Apr 29 2010, 06:12 AM
The largest SR group in the LA area is the
Los Angeles Shadowrun Meetup Group.I'm amazed we haven't gotten more attention. If you type Los Angeles Shadowrun into Google we're the first or second entry to reply.
65 Members and growing. 2-3 concurrent games. Always looking for new members and new places to play (we tend to avoid gaming stores - too many 9 year old kids playing magic for our heavy themes, but there is always something for everyone).
Thanks for looking!
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