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Full Version: Shadowrum FPS
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So, in the name of furthering the idea that a Shadowrun game might be a viable business venture, I bought the Shadowrun. I agree with the critics that hobbling the PC version to Vista only may shoot this horse in the foot before she clears the gate.
Here goes my review:
*Combines some of my favorite FPS features into one mostly clean game
*Runs real purdy on my machine
*Glider is a fav piece of tech
*The AI, even on training skill level still display some intelligent tactics such as removing bodies and placing choke points
*Customize your toon to a niche of your creation
*Allows tactical game play through creation of choke points, moveable cover and summoning
*Elves are rather fun to play

*This has as much to do with Shadowrun (History, game play, flavor, etc) as Dragonshard RTS did for both Eberron and D&D
*The guns are all generic, Pistol, SMG, Rifle (Not even Assault Rifle). I like seeing the names of guns, choices for different classes for the weapons.
*Teleport and resurrection, 2 blatant violations of the game universe. While handy in a FPS, have no place in Shadowrun IMO.
*No ammo reloads during game play other than picking up someone elses gun and praying they had more bullets at death or weapon change than you did.
*No discrete mines
*Little control over aiming of Grenades and Grenade like weapons.
*A Grenade launcher would have been nice.
*Smartlink was poorly thought out in this iteration, the programmers should re-read the fluff text before implementing game defining technology like this.
*katanas should not be able to deflect bullets, though cool it's still dumb
*Buggy animation, controls, and training segments
*Would it have killed the animation team to give us ladder climbing?
Much of what I've heard is that it's basically a good game. Just ignore the Shadowrun label.

Why are elves so special?
Faster, self-healing, their freakin elves man
QUOTE (Nikoli)
*No discrete mines

Did they have continuous mines?

They have anti-magic generators, which sucks essence from everything around it.
Hocus Pocus
i saw this game on the shelves today at blockbuster. ugh
QUOTE (Nikoli)
They have anti-magic generators, which sucks essence from everything around it.

You're talking about the dwarves, right? wink.gif
Besides them, there is a tech piece you can by that does the same thing.
You can buy a Dwarf in a box?


Well, I guess it is awesome because it's certainly much more portable and less chance of throwing your back than say... a troll in a box.
And, it's decidely easier to be rid of.
Oh, need to amend an earlier negative statement.
You can pick up ammunition by walking over appropriate weapons.
SMG reloads Chain gun and SMG, fyi

And if you run out of ammo, you do get to pistol whip as an attack.
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