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Full Version: Can we get the Creepwoodrun thread stickied?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Wounded Ronin
Would it be possible to get the Creepwoodrun thread stickied? I feel that it's a really big part of the collective historical narrative which has been adopted by us DSFers. Many people love to make references to "Creepwoodrun" while talking about everything from ways to make combat more realistic to mechanisms for sanity loss. I feel as though it represents a culturally constructed historical narrative for this forum and that we should commemorate it rather than just let it slide down the lists.
Nope. smile.gif It's like everything by Master Shake. Ya' gotta dig for it. Earn your stripes so to speak.
Gonna go ahead and weigh in with a "hell no" on this one. Y'know. Just in case.
If nothing else, honestly, most of us Mods really don;t like stickies. I personally feel that ONLY really important stuff should be stickied... announcements and the like. There are special exceptions (Squinky's art thread, fr'ex), but generally, we don;t like a cluttered page.

Personally, I really hate trying to read forums that have a pile of stickies all he time. Irritates me to have to wade through crap just to find the new threads.

WHat I generally see done on boards when folks feel a random thread is important and want it easily referenced is they either put a link in their .sig, or if it's not something they necessarily want/need to advertise, they simply keep a file somewhere on their hard drive or desktop with a list of links (Or PM themselves the addresses and save that PM). That way, they're readily available if you need to "explain" a reference to someone.

Click on the My Controls and you've got a handy dandy notepad you can paste the URL in to. I don't have the same distaste for sitckies as Bull does, but really this little bit should remain an Easter Egg.
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