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Full Version: State College PA needs some good runners
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hey everyone out there in the Shadows,
I'm a newbie GM looking for runners to get a game started eventually. Anyone out there looking for a good time blasting some corp scum?

Well... If you and a few others felt like driving to the Pittsburgh area every Saturday, I'm sure I could show you the ropes. It'd be SR2 though. I am willing to play SR3 if you run it, however.
I know a friend who would probably be glad to join, if he has the time; I'll try to direct him to this thread.

Thanks for the offer tanka, but I'm studying at Penn State right now, so travel is a bit of a problem, especially with no wheels.

Kagetenshi, if you could direct your chummer here, I would be appreciated.
I've brought it to his attention. Sadly, he's currently buried in work and may take some time to get back to you.

No problem. Sorry to hear the no-ride problem, I know the feeling. If you ever get a crew with wheels, feel free to pop me a message.
Fancy that. I'm in State College AND a friend of Kage. What a cooincidence.

And haven't been on these forums in two weeks. Damnation...
Woo! He lives!

Well DOOm, good to hear that you haven't been fragged by exams yet. When you get a chance, IM me and i'll try and give you some info on what's going on. We probably won't start a game until next semester, since i'm still trying to get a crew together.

And now, i'm off to make some nuyen.
I'm here at PSU too. I tried starting a similar threat at the beginning of the semester, but it didn't go anywhere. I'd definitely be interested in anything that's in the works
well, classes start soon...let's get a SR game started. Anyone interested please email me at
northern lights
well, i'll send you all PM's but i'll post it here too.

there already is a group running in state college. and several of us would be interested in another group. i personally am tossing around ideas for a campaign, tho a very different one.

email me or contact me via AIM buddy name: demonwarp66 email demonwarp66 at

if you want to play, we are finishing our campaign in about 2 weeks, and may have openings for more players, hell we might now, it's up to the GM.

so quit posting here and start contacting me!
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