Jul 23 2007, 03:10 AM
I saw Feng Shui mentioned in another thread, and I got curious as to who has played it and what you think about the game? I'm reading through it right now, and am somewhere in the Magic chapter.
So, have you? Got some stories, pointers, advice, rules fixes, etc?
Jul 23 2007, 09:13 AM
It's a great little beer and pizza game. Don't plan on your characters getting much better once gameplay starts, though -- in exchange for starting out super badass, character growth is pretty friggin' slow once the xp comes crawling in.
Jul 23 2007, 12:53 PM
It's a lovely game, I got it when it first came out about 10 years ago. I haven't run it in a while as it needs a very good group to avoid becoming idiotic, but when played well it has a special charm unlike any other game.
Jul 23 2007, 01:52 PM
Fun game. I like it. Mechanics and flow work well. You do need to have players and Gm into the cinematic story telling style.
Jul 23 2007, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
I haven't run it in a while as it needs a very good group to avoid becoming idiotic, but when played well it has a special charm unlike any other game. |
emphasis mine
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
You do need to have players and Gm into the cinematic story telling style. |
Yeah, this is what gets me about it. Most of the gamers that I have any kind of access to at the moment probably just wouldn't like it. It seems like it could be fun. Frankly, I'd like to play it a few times under a GM that has a good feel for it before I tried running it, and since that's not likely to happen, it's probably going to stay "fun reading material that makes you wish there were more gamers around". *shrug*
Jul 23 2007, 08:07 PM
The main problem comes form describing every move. Some people are good at this, creative in an interesting way other however end up trying to out do each and themselves and their characters actions become more and more over the top.
On the other hand it does produce some great moments. I once had a transformed dragon be killed by his corrupted son. the parties comic relief, a masked avenger called Plunger Boy, picked up the dead guy's sword and did a perfect samurai "You killed my friend." moment followed by a two shot kill on a healthy enemy with about 20 defence when dodging the positive sixes just kept coming he hit forty total twice.
Jul 23 2007, 08:36 PM
Jul 23 2007, 08:44 PM
I once ran a one-shot Feng Shui adventure where I supplied the characters and the adventure. The characters were all from the movie Big Trouble in Little China and was called The Return of the Pork Chop Express... Jack's Back. Ended with a big bloody battle between Lo Pan (who, having failed to appease the emperor was once again a ghost), a vast army of chinese demons, Jack and all his friends (including the supernatural creature from the first movie who has become Jacks bodyguard and big pet) to save Gracie from certain death on the highest point of the San Francisco Bridge. It was a fun night at the game store.
Feng Shui is a game system for those looking to have a lot of fun with their role-playing.
Jul 23 2007, 10:20 PM
That's awesome. You don't have a writeup for that, do you?
Jul 23 2007, 10:42 PM
I have the book but have only attempted to ever play it once and it didn't really work as well as hoped. I can see it being really awesome, though, and robin laws has some really good game design ideas. I'd like to try and play it again sometime. I don't think it would work very well in a play by post format, though. =P
Jul 24 2007, 04:19 AM
The trick is -- as has been mentioned -- to really just find a group that'll get into the spirit of the game. It's not a game system you want someone to approach from the cold, hard, "efficiency uber alles" Shadowrun mindset. You've got to go into a game session with a style over substance attitude (or, at least, style and substance, neck and neck) to really kick back and have a good time.
Jul 24 2007, 04:31 AM
Great game for a night of relaxing fun.
Trouble is it has to many books out, my shelf space isn't that much, expecially seeing as I had a problem collecting gaming systems for a while. Last I saw it was about a dozen books. Started suffering from rules creep.
Silly thing is I don't say that about Hackmaster whose rules make almost any other system look simple.
Jul 24 2007, 05:06 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
Great game for a night of relaxing fun. Trouble is it has to many books out, my shelf space isn't that much, expecially seeing as I had a problem collecting gaming systems for a while. Last I saw it was about a dozen books. Started suffering from rules creep. Silly thing is I don't say that about Hackmaster whose rules make almost any other system look simple. |
Pfft. It's one of those games you don't need to take seriously enough to BUY all those books, if y'ask me. We still putter along with the old edition, and just the core book -- how much else do you need, really?
Jul 24 2007, 01:33 PM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
That's awesome. You don't have a writeup for that, do you? |
I wish I did Eidolon. It was several years ago (back when the game was first published) and several apartments ago. I will check my old laptop and see if it is on there, but I am not optimistic at the chances there.
I do remember it started out a rainy night with Jack driving back into San Fran and the Creature (can't remember the name I gave it) pulling the Pork Chop Expresses air horn to get street vendors out of the way. Jack had received a phone call from Eddie saying that Gracie was missing and it went from there.
Heh, I may have to recreate it just for fun now... bringing back many good, yet repressed memories.
Jul 24 2007, 01:38 PM
No sweat, DMFubar. Thanks for checking though.

@Demon Bob: No kidding? I didn't even think to see if there were other books, let alone another edition. Wonder which one I have.
That said, seems like what Crit said rings true. It doesn't seem like a game where you really need a ton of stuff exlained to you. The only thing I can really see wanting other books for is to flesh out the setting, which is woefully weak beyond "set this little bit about controlling Feng Shui sites into every cheesy action movie you have ever seen". I mean, that's plenty, but if there was more setting you might be able to get a few more miles out of it. *shrug*
*goes to Amazon to look at the other books*
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