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Full Version: AzzieWatch access problems
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Patrick Goodman
First off, it looks like you can't access AzzieWatch at all at the moment; all I get is a 404 error or something quite similar. In itself, this isn't a big deal since I've done so damn little with it in the past couple of years. dead.gif

However, I'm wanting to change that, and it would be good if I could see the site in order to know when changes actually come up.

In that same vein, however, my faulty memory enters into it. I can't remember my FTP login info so that I can put things onto the site. My old FTP client also got blasted sometime during a hard drive crash, and the notes I took on all this, while likely still extant, aren't in the stuff that I've unpacked and so might as well be lost. Could someone PM me with the information on record?

Thanks in advance for all the help.
Ol' Scratch
Most of the matrix.dumpshock sites are inaccessible.
Patrick Goodman
I do believe I found my login information. If the folder for AzzieWatch can be restored, I can re-upload the files and such myself. If that'll help any admin types.
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