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Full Version: Character generator with the new sourcebooks?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Have any of the character generator projects released a version that incorporates Street Magic and Augmentation yet?

Since my shiny new toys have come back into Vogue, I'm excited to get back out my late-3rd Ed. era characters. They did not survive the transisiton to basic book toys well at all....
not that I know of... yet...
You can rather easily add new skills, cyberware, qualities, etc. to CharGenSR4.
I'm pretty sure the DnCRG application has the SM material included in its dat files. I don't think its incorporated the stuff in Augmentation as of yet.
QUOTE (Irian @ Aug 31 2007, 07:35 AM)
You can rather easily add new skills, cyberware, qualities, etc. to CharGenSR4.

Damn right it is easy...if you know XLS enough to Unprotect the file (no password) and then Unhide (on the Windows menu in Office 2003) the sheets with the data tables in them. It is largely data table driven (key design principle was no macros allowed).

Not sure yet if the new Cyberlimbs options can be added with the data table only. I have a sneaking suspision that the upper limit for increasing the Attributes is going to take an extra bit of code in the formula to properly error check using the character's race. But it should still work, it'll just improperly display.

I will ask though that you don't mess with the display cells unless you really, really know what you are doing. A lot of work was put into making sure CharGenSR4 runs and looks acceptable on OpenOffice and I've found in the past that is easy to mess up and create a lot of work. frown.gif

Anyone though that wants to extract the Qualities and basic 'ware items PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do. Dad with 4 younger kids and a looming software release deadline here! K thx. wobble.gif

EDIT: Oh yeah, just glancing it looks like I'll also need to fiddle a bit with a couple of the Qualities as they affect the Essense. But that's easy enough for me to do if someone else can get the Qualities sorted alphabetically into the table. Maybe even add another different character to denote Augmentation items like what was done for Street Magic?
I'm not talking about some Excel sheet, but the Daegann's Tool. smile.gif
QUOTE (Irian @ Sep 16 2007, 12:09 PM)
I'm not talking about some Excel sheet, but the Daegann's Tool. smile.gif

I wish. frown.gif

SR4CharGen.XLS is way past my initial expectations of it's lifespan. I wasn't really expecting to put SM into it, and looking at my sig that was nearly a year ago I added that. Now I'm looking at putting in Augmentation because there is still a need out there.

No 'proper' chargen seems ready for primetime and the XLS still does what it was built to do. Fast put-together of a character that's rules complete and relatively easy for novices to get their head around. *shrug*

EDIT: DnCrg looks to have a lot of potential, I'm looking forward to the day it is out. But no saves and no mages yet? That doesn't make 'beta' where I come from. Not to say it is bad putting out what he's got so far, to get feedback on the UI and workflow. It just isn't really in the beta portion of it's lifecycle. Not to mention it looks like it's got some crash problems related possibly to different framework versions, or maybe OS versions (managed code isn't anymore stable than binary compiled, it was bad enough that people bought that line to start with, it is laughable that people still try to believe and convince others of it).
I really like SR4chargen and I use it a lot! Every once in a while I check around here for an Augmented update...
Pity I have too much work / too little Excelfu to be of use. But at least I can encourage you people!


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