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The Original ShadowrunMUSH: Seattle
telnet:// -

Magic meets machine in 2062, a futuristic world where Orks, Elves, and
Troll walk among us - casting off their Human guises. Insidous
corporations have replacedthe corrupt governments in the balance of
power, and the heroes are the nameless souls who are only known by the
title 'Shadowrunner'. Be a deadly Street Samauri, a net-running
Decker, a mysterious hermetic mage, or a wisened shaman. You also have
the option to play any of the other major players in the Shadowrun
universe, such as Mafia, Yakuza, Rocker, Reporter, Ganger, Street Doc,
and many other possibilities.

Shadowrun Seattle has a sophisticated 'Matrix' system allowing Deckers
to explore a seemingly endless array of information hoarding systems.
We also have an advanced Magic System allowing mages and shamans the
ability to explore the higher mysteries of Astral Space and beyond.

....Your display link is nice enough to tell you its 2:58pm, as if you
wanted to know that. Your head is buzzing, it takes about 10 seconds
to realize it isn't due to the alcohol or the poor choice of ork
hookers but it's the cyberphone. You answer it with as little as a
mental command, but the words coming out of it are fast and jumbled,
that's the alcohol. You hang up before he finishes and open your eyes.
The stained faded walls of the coffin motel surprise you as you try to
remember who you took into it last night. You try to pull some of your
armor back on, and see the familiar glint of your heavy pistol which
at least makes you feel a little better. It's then you notice your
credstick has gone missing, and the faint smell of the knockout drug
of choice... It's then the words that came from your sub dermal
speakers finally come together... It was your fixer, he was pissed...
About... about... Oh yeah... that pasta-muncher you geek'd the other
week, turns out he was 'made' and your Asian chica with the tight
thighs that hired you so easily was Yakuza, and everyone knows. You
kick out the extra credstick from your boot; the pitiful display says
200 nY. You figure now would be a good time to live another's life and
a mental command dials up your Decker pal for a new SIN... But there
is no answer... There is a loud buzz on the green light above the
coffin door, it opens suddenly and you slide out on to your hoop..
directly in front of the largest pair of boots you've ever seen, not
to mention the thirteen foot rat shaman troll you pissed off last week
within them... and you know, you just know... as the cold handle of
your Predator slips into your hand that it's gotta be... that

telnet:// -
The Original ShadowrunMUSH: Seattle
Dark Scrier
You are aware you just described the setting for a shadowrun game on a shadowrun forum? Don't just rehash the standard ad for your MUSH man. Give them something to work with.
Mr. Man
Yeah! I need to be told why I should play Seattle instead of Detroit or Denver!

(Well, to be honest I don't think I have the time that any of them require...)
Dark Scrier
Yeah. Exactly. Most every MUSH/MUD has what he advertised.

Also, you don't need much time to play these things. You need a lot of time to become a well known character, but just to play, and have a good time, you don't need to put any effort in. If you want to be a POWERFUL character, you need to be on nigh-constantly. If you want to just have a bit of fun, and throw some RP around, you don't need much at all.
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