Confessions of an "Organized Gaming Hater"
It's true, I've always had a bias against any sort of organized play, such as SRM, RPGA, etc. I guess I've always felt that somehow my options would be limited, or somhow constrained and when I play an RPG, I want to go where I want to go.
This last week I was fortunate to have Caine Hazen run a SRM game for a group, and I played as well.
To be honest, I had a blast. Maybe it was the crew I was playing with (Eidolon, Bull, Andy [Caine Hazen], Dashifen, etc.) Maybe not. Either way, I had a lot of fun, and didn't feel constrained in to a limited-scope mission/ game.
I'm hooked.
I'm going to hit up Aaron (thankfully a SRM GM who is local) about running some SRM.
(I don't know why I added that last bit, but it seemed to fit at the moment.)