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Full Version: Another RPG Collection Sale
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I came back from Gencon with new stuff that I need shelf space for, so I'm going to follow Patrick's lead and post some stuff up for grabs.

I take Paypal, and if you don't mind the time it takes, money orders. Item will not ship prior to payment received.

All prices are + shipping.

Precedence is given to the first person to explicitly state that they wish to purchase. I am keeping track of anyone that expresses interest so that if one party passes, the next can take a shot. I am not listing purchasers in the main post for various reasons (including that I have this on multiple forums). If you are unsure as to your status, please PM me.

Items are shipping from Fayetteville, AR, US.

PM me with questions or post them here.

Items marked "pending" means that someone has expressed intent to buy but that I have not received payment yet. Once payment for an item has been received, the item will be removed.


Lone Star (minor shelf wear) $35 (pending)

D&D 3.0 All $5 each unless marked

Psionics Handbook (pending)
DM Screen $2 (pending)
The Sunless Citadel $2
The Standing Stone $2
Footprint Stickers (2 pages of 2; Store Promotional item; never sold to public) $10 (pending)
Deluxe Character Sheets in folder

AD&D 2nd Edition All $5 each unless marked

Tome of Magic (pending)
Legends and Lore
Cardmaster Adventure Design Deck
Dark Sun : Forest Maker box (pending)
Dark Sun : Arcane Shadows box

AD&D 1st Edition

$1 each

The Best of Dragon Vol III
Master Player Screen AC7 (does not include mini-module)

Various d20

WEST: The Ultimate d20 Western RPG $3

GURPS $5 each

Basic Set Third Edition Revised $10
Compendium 1
Ultra Tech

Star Wars 2nd Edition (WEG)

Core Book $5 (pending)

Xro Dinn Chronicles

Awakenings $3
New Horizons $3


Core Book $5 (pending)

Other Books

Forgotten Realms Novels, The Harpers series 1-5, all for $5
May be interested in the two Darksun books. I have one, but a friend might wan to pick it up. I have to see if I still ahve a copy of Arcane Shadows.

Where are you shipping from?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Aug 22 2007, 02:47 PM)
May be interested in the two Darksun books.

ohplease.gif rotfl.gif
Hmm possibly interested in the SW 2nd ed, but does that price include shipping to the UK? And how would I pay you?
Ack, will put payment info in first post, but I take Paypal, and if you don't mind the time it takes, a money order. Also, all prices are +shipping, whatever shipping costs end up being.

@fisty: Fayetteville, AR, US
Cool, I may be buyinga off you after the weekend (depends on how much I spend...)
Right on, just let me know.

Anyone else? wink.gif
I'm interested in the starwars book too, along with the Lonestar book and the midnight book.
Updated list to show pending items.
Fixed a couple of categorizations, added a book, removed some stuff.
Fisty, still interested in that Dark Sun stuff? I marked them pending just in case, but let me know.
If you are waiting for a shipping amount/full price from me, I will be unable to get them until tomorrow. Apologies for the delay.
Removed some sold items.

Price reduced on GURPS books.

Curious about the Middle Earth book. Is it Iron Crown Enterprises, or the Codex system stuff. I've got the old ICE boxed set for MERP, but I don't know what edition it is (or if they made more than one edition even.)
The Middle Earth book is indeed by Iron Crown Enterprises, and is a single book, probably 100 or fewer pages (although I'd have to check). It is the core book for the game's 2nd edition. Beyond that, I'm not really sure, and I don't remember how I came across it.

Marked a few more items pending.
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