In Character:
New Shadow Clinic Opening in the Denver Sprawl…
Some of you may have run with me in the past, I go by Old Joe. My friend Jitters and I run together a lot, you might remember her too, a little dwarf with a fascination with girls clothes from the last century. She doesn’t post much because she’s a bit too high profile with her old employers, so here I am bringing the news to you.
Anyway…she’s a CyberDoc, a wiz CyberDoc at that. She trained with the best in DocWagon and now that she’s running the shadows she’s offering her services to all of us Runners in need. No more dealing with shady alleyway cyberhacks who might pawn off second hand organs. We only provide top of the line medical care.
So here I am, announcing the opening of a Clinic for all your needs! Bullet removal, burn treatment, Cyberware, Bioware, anything under the sun we have it or we can get a hold of it. Prices are reasonable and you can be sure you’ll be leaving better then you were when you got here.
Quality, Security and Discretion is our motto.
‘Old Joe’
Captain, UCAS Army (ret.)
Out of Character:
Yep, a PC with enough medical skills to make you blink. If you have a PC that needs some augmentation or some critical treatment, contact me via this forum, I’ll answer you.
John Dunn has said that we can provide anything up to and including Availability 12 with no issues. Anything above that we need to work out what we can do. But it’s still possible, we just need to work out how much it’ll cost.
Aaron “Gravedigger� Pollyea