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Full Version: Sites on the Front Page Not Working/Inaccessible
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I know that Patrick has mentioned the fact the AzzieWatch is currently unavailable but since a number of other sites aren't working as well thought I'd post a list of them.

Under the Dumpshock Sites heading BlackJack's Page, Bull's Place, Plastic Warriors, The Shadowrun Archive and the Timeline Explorer all don't work. You click the links and then it just takes you straight back to the front page by reloading it. The ShadowRN List is slightly different in that it actually takes you to a new page which is the Mailman one but it still gives an error page. The Matrix Sites ones thought are slightly different. Whilst AzzieWatch, NSRCG - Character Generator, Shadowrun & Firearms and This is Shadowrun are all still unavailable, at least with them you get a regular 404 error page.

Thanks in advance for any help from the tech gods. Hopefully we can recover them since some of them were very handy but I'm not holding my breath for an instantaneous resurrection due to the nature of the place. smile.gif
It's been an issue since Dumpshock took a crap a couple months ago. Mark got the primary stuff back online, but he's been swamped with work, a move, and I think maybe a new kid? And even though I personally have no life, RL > Online. So I can't fault him for focusing elsewhere for a while.

I do want to get my website back up one of these days. I've been kicking around some streamlining and revamping for it, and I want to update the SR stuff for 4th ed.

Raygun's Shadowrun & Firearms. smile.gif
QUOTE (Bull)
Mark got the primary stuff back online, but he's been swamped with work, a move, and I think maybe a new kid?  And even though I personally have no life, RL > Online.  So I can't fault him for focusing elsewhere for a while.

More than understandable. Since this whole place is pretty much run by volunteers and donated resources courtesy of the hosting company you can't really complain about the service you're given, hence the 'nature of the place' comment. smile.gif One idea that strikes me might be to possibly farm out some of the work. Find a board member or two that we know and trust not to fuck around with things and get them to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Although I've got no idea how Mark has this place set so how viable it might be, or if he'd even want to consider the idea personally.

QUOTE (Fortune)
Raygun's Shadowrun & Firearms. smile.gif

Heh. Whilst nice and something I've used a lot in the past I was actually after his sub-site on intelligence agencies plus the Shadowrun Archives and Timeline Explorer the most. Ah well, give it time I suppose.
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