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Full Version: Magical Groups
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
If I have created a magical group with a fellow runner, can it be made an official one? That way there is more than one out there for people who either just don't want to make one of their own or don't have more than one person to form the group with. Just wondering for edification and well possibly doing it as well.

Tran Kirsa Kali
No magical group is "Official" unless they're wage-mages. A groups rep is built just like a Shadowrunners rep. Based off the work done, how it was done, and the rep of the runners. If alot of your members have high noteriety, then be sure your team rep will too.
Picking up other members is easier than you think, recruit other players or NPC's if possible. Of course that purely storyline-based.
SinN, TranKirsaKali was asking if it could be an "official" group for Missions.

In response to that -- sure! Just drop me a PM or an e-mail ( on the group structure. If it sounds good, I'll give you the go ahead, and you can start recruiting members here. smile.gif
Yep Dunner approved the group that some people here as well as myself made for adepts.

Need some ideas on what to do just look up the thread Shhh it's a secret.

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you put together.
Whoops! Sorry my bust. I guess thats what I get for reading too fast. Haha rotfl.gif
Sorry I did not respond sooner. Life got away with me. Thanks Dunner! I will get that information to you as soon as I talk to the other founding member.
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