I want to state up front that I am not intending this post to be the start of some weird flame war. Now that I've said that....
I really think WizKids needs to look at creating ShadowClix, the SR Clix based minis game.
And I don't count the failed action figure game from a couple years ago.
The reason I think this is may fold:
1) We, the SR community really do need NEW SR based minis!
2) The quality of mini's at WK has been suberb of late
3) There is so much possibility in the sheer volume of minis that can be made from PC types, NPCs, Drones, Paracritters, Matrix Constructs (Yeah, think about it!), Spirits/Elementals, Bystanders (tokens).
4) The maps they can make!!!
5) Vehicle sets, large paracritter sets (Dragons!)
6) Box sets of Corp/Govt Mil units!
7) Doc Wagon HTR Box Set!!

9) And the mini's game itself may actually be fun!
Ive been playing/collecting WK mini's since the initial Mage KNight release and I plan to use figs from MK, HeroClix, HorrorClix, and even Mechwarrior for my SR4 games.
I think the possibilities are really endless and they can do several sets with the material produced so far.
That's just my ¥0.02 on the subject.
Thanx for listening,