Sep 13 2007, 12:06 PM
Dear Friends,
It is my sad duty to announce that FASA Studio has officially closed its doors. Today was the official last day of employment for those of us who had not moved on to other positions within Microsoft Game Studios. While the rumors have been circulating forever, we chose to wait on an official announcement because we didn’t want people’s attention distracted from our last product, Shadowrun, a game we love.
As a testament to the team's commitment to Shadowrun, we released three title updates to improve the product even after the team learned we were losing our studio. We have kept our Community Manager and Technical Support Manager on the job to aid and support you and will continue to do so while people continue to play our game. I am pleased that about half of us have found great positions elsewhere in MGS and Microsoft where they can share their experience and passion with the great people there.
But now, as the last of us say our goodbyes to each other, I’m saying goodbye to you on behalf of a group of talented and dedicated professionals who busted their humps for the love of the game. I am proud to have worked with and represented them to you and know that wherever they go, they will continue to kick ass.
Mitch |
Sep 13 2007, 12:07 PM
Damn. Didn't see the thread in the SR Subforum.
Mods if you want to nuke this, go right ahead.
Sep 13 2007, 11:49 PM
Well, that would explain why I saw about 8 of them out in Redmond a month ago, eating lunch next to me, looking like someone shot their dog.
I thought they were just sad because Dumpshockers had pissed in their wheaties.
Sep 14 2007, 12:37 AM
Hmm.. I don't really feel sad about this.
Wounded Ronin
Sep 14 2007, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (Adarael) |
Well, that would explain why I saw about 8 of them out in Redmond a month ago, eating lunch next to me, looking like someone shot their dog.
I thought they were just sad because Dumpshockers had pissed in their wheaties. |
What? You SAW them? Why didn't you gong sau their asses for dropping the ball on the SR game?
Sep 14 2007, 03:47 AM
I was eating chinese food and talking about them behind their back to some of my co-workers.
That contract paid me thirty bucks an hour to write game dialogue. I'm not gonna get taken off that payroll just to whack them in the head.
Now, when I'm between contracts... Well, that's a different story entirely.
Wounded Ronin
Sep 14 2007, 04:34 AM
QUOTE (Adarael) |
I was eating chinese food and talking about them behind their back to some of my co-workers.
That contract paid me thirty bucks an hour to write game dialogue. I'm not gonna get taken off that payroll just to whack them in the head.
Now, when I'm between contracts... Well, that's a different story entirely. |
But Gong Sau over Chinese food would have been the stuff of legends! You would have been elevated to Wong Fei Hong status on the internet forevermore!
Sep 14 2007, 07:05 AM
"Bitches don't know 'bout my Eagle Claw!"
Sep 14 2007, 02:30 PM
Waiddaminnit, am I reading this right, you wrote dialogue for that game?
Now, I haven't touched that abomination, I just didn't peg it as something that's got much dialogue in it...
"Fire...ball in the hole!" ?
Or am I getting something very very wrong?
Sep 14 2007, 04:44 PM
No, not that game. I work for Nintendo of America, NOT FASA Studios. UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!
A sensible misunderstanding, though.
Sep 14 2007, 05:47 PM
QUOTE (Adarael) |
A sensible misunderstanding, though. |
Sensible, yep, that's me!
Also, compliments on your choice of career!
Sep 15 2007, 12:07 AM
Would it detract from it if I told you that it was totally accidental but actually turned out to be exactly what I wanted to do?
Hell, I expected to be either a professor or a consultant. I didn't expect people actually got paid to make games, or if they did, they'd be people you'd never meet.
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