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Full Version: Lots of Shadowrun Sourcebooks on the cheap!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Not sure if this is the proper forum to post this or not (mods feel free to move or delete this post), but I'm selling off a boatload of Shadowrun books to cover server costs for They've been available through for a long time, but I'm pretty sure some folks are hesitant to buy from that sort of venue.

So now the books are available on eBay, selling for the next week. The list is available at: my eBay stock page.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to pm me or post it here.
Where the heck did you get "Renaissance: Paris 2064 (WS, DVD)"
I've been looking for that movie for a while.
It's commercially available in the US now. This copy is an r1 or region free I got off of Amazon when there was no release date in the US in sight.
Totally cool to post it here, but we usually throw them into General Gaming.

On that note, moved. smile.gif
Word up.
Just some feedback. I find that when I sell things, the more info I provide the higher the price I receive. Time after time I've looked at others selling the same thing and I'll get more money than the other items. Writing what the item is made up of and why it is cool goes a long way to attracting buyers!

Thanks for the tip.

I figured the majority of people bidding would already be after certain things and know what they were looking for. Shadowrun, though large and popular, is still a niche market (possibly a stronger supporter of your advice than my laziness).

Also, the run of books is now in it's FINAL 24 HOURS! Don't miss out! biggrin.gif
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