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Zhan Shi
I've never been to a convention before, and would like to give it a try. Is there any website, or other resource, that lists the dates/locations of upcoming cons? I'm located in Virginia. Any assistance appreciated. Thanks.
Mr. Man

They seem to be having a rough time with hosting right now, but once their database is repopulated I think you'll find it quite useful.
Zhan Shi
Thanks! biggrin.gif
Keep in mind, if you don't mind looking beyond just gaming and checking out general geek culture, there are a few cons in Baltimore and DC. Otakon and Katsucon are both big anime fests and generally attract a bunch of gamers, for instance.
I just moved to Oregon from Virginia (DC area). There are a great number of cons within 3-4 hours of the DC area.

It depends on what you like to play, but the D&D cons tend to have a few other things (none that I know of have SR, except perhaps one that tends to run in January out in western VA).

One page you can check is, which is LG (Living Greyhawk) oriented. Some of the cons have Delta Files, Spycraft, Arcanis, and other games. A few have LARPS and other systems.

If you play D&D, then I highly recommend hitting the conventions. VA has some of the best gamers I've ever had the pleasure of gaming with (and I travel extensively). There are also a number of Yahoo groups for games, such as

If you ask around on those lists you can likely find additional peeps.

QUOTE (nezumi @ Oct 2 2007, 07:39 AM)
Keep in mind, if you don't mind looking beyond just gaming and checking out general geek culture, there are a few cons in Baltimore and DC.  Otakon and Katsucon are both big anime fests and generally attract a bunch of gamers, for instance.

hey nezumi, there's another anime con happening soon. AUSA is the weekend before thanksgiving over in Crystal City. It used to be out in Tyson's corner area but they've moved closer to the city this year.
Wow, a good deal cheaper than Otakon. Unfortunately, new house, busy pinching pennies. I'll definitely have to keep it in mind for next year though.
QUOTE (nezumi)
Wow, a good deal cheaper than Otakon. Unfortunately, new house, busy pinching pennies. I'll definitely have to keep it in mind for next year though.

Well, funny you should mention that because my friend runs the panels for the con and we're always looking for folks to help as staff members (which means free entry). So if you want to, I can put your name on the list if you want to staff if you are interested.

That said, anyone else in the area who's interested, volunteers are welcome and contact me.
If they provide babysitting maybe nyahnyah.gif But thanks for the offer. Like I said, I'll definitely keep it in the mind for the future when we have a budget.
This is my local con: ICON 27.
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