I just moved to Oregon from Virginia (DC area). There are a great number of cons within 3-4 hours of the DC area.
It depends on what you like to play, but the D&D cons tend to have a few other things (none that I know of have SR, except perhaps one that tends to run in January out in western VA).
One page you can check is
http://www.gyruff.org/gameplay_cons.php, which is LG (Living Greyhawk) oriented. Some of the cons have Delta Files, Spycraft, Arcanis, and other games. A few have LARPS and other systems.
If you play D&D, then I highly recommend hitting the conventions. VA has some of the best gamers I've ever had the pleasure of gaming with (and I travel extensively). There are also a number of Yahoo groups for games, such as
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lgnova/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/baltimorelivinggreyhawk/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LG-Maryland/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LSPY_NOVA/If you ask around on those lists you can likely find additional peeps.