Hocus Pocus
Oct 13 2007, 02:30 PM
I bought the pre-order to tabula rasa, but found out after i installed it (2 days) and tried to run it, my comp couldn't support it.
my comp is old
like me
out dated, obsolete, headed for the junk heap, sits in the bathroom crying, internal parts are failing...
Oct 13 2007, 03:16 PM
What parts do you have? I assume that it would be an ATX case with an ATX Power supply, an EIDE hard drive, an EIDE CD/DVD drive, some sort of motherboard, some sort of processor, some sort of RAM, and possibly a video card.
But the details are what matter the most, because depending on what you may be able to reuse some of your parts, and that can save a great deal of money. If you can reuse your case, your power supply, your disk drive, and your hard drive, you can make a fairly powerful computer for fairly little money.
Oct 13 2007, 07:54 PM
You can play Nethack. You have no further need of entertainment.
Wounded Ronin
Oct 15 2007, 12:27 AM
Christ, man. I've been playing with sub-standard computers for like half a decade now. All you need is Jagged Alliance 2 version 1.13.
Oct 26 2007, 07:07 PM
I use to play the mmorpg "Asheron's Call" for like 5 years+ but then they came out with a graphic update that required higher computer stats and I didt have them so I was no longer able to play. Having to stop in the middle of something really really sucks. It wasnt so bad though i had a severe love/hate relationship with that game, the people in it, and the developers lol.
If I could just play EVE Online, WoW, City Of, and Asherons Call I wouldnt care about any of the new stuff. Hopefully by the time a miracle happens and Im able to get a computer that can run all those they arent totally dried up and gone by then hehe.
MMORPG's are the best games though because they last sooooo long.
Oct 26 2007, 08:09 PM
Asheron's Call... now that was/is a fun game. I still have an active subscription even though I only get to log on maybe once a month.
And that damn graphics update did more than just make it impossible to run on older machines, it also changed the damn render radius and focal length so images at the edge of the screen are all sorts of warped. :/
Though to tell you the truth - some of my excitement went away when they made pyreals weightless and redid mob distribution across eastern dereth taking away the noob hunting areas.
Hocus Pocus
Jan 11 2008, 03:48 AM
I remember AC. Wow talk about a blast from the past. Those were the simple, finer online gaming days. This cute girl in Canada helped to level me, i wonder what she is doing now...
nah my comp is from 2001. pent 4 2gig herts, 756 ram. all very out dated stuff. It still plays WOW whose gaming card i got for helping out my bro in law. Went back and found my talents pts reset as well as my friends list erased. Still i managed to see some of my old buds I hadn't seen in a year and a half. The have 70s out the wazoo. My card expired earlier this week, dunno if I'll go back.
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