I ran a group of players through "Through a Rose Colored Display Link" recently and they ended up in the confrontation near the end of the run. The run said that there would be attacks coming from bums in the alleyways, and a coffee shop.
Running with the idea that the PCs are basically being charged by berserk bums and coffee drinkers, and that the people in the coffee shop wouldn't have much in the way of weapons, I decided one of the lead coffee shop attendees wouldn't be adverse to using his hot latte as a weapon, so he threw it at one of the PCs while charging.
The PC responded, "No one throws a latte at Clyde Westeringtintinton and lives to tell the tale!" The rest of the engagement was dominated by the remainder of the group attempting to subdue their street samurai, who was trying his best to monosword the hell out of the mind-controlled coffee thrower. He claimed that throwing the coffee was like kicking sand in someone's face, a dishonorable move to be punished by a shameful death.
The next mission, following a dispute with the Aurora Angels street gang, 3 of their members got Level 6 Hydraulic Jack stomped to death by the aforementioned samurai. This came with a live action reenactment; wandering the room, raging and stomping on thin air... and finished off by him cleaning off his imaginary cyberlegs, getting on his Harley, and driving off.
He's got a fairly sizable notoriety now, as might be expected. Considering the rest of the team is at least vaguely morally sound, it's going to be an interesting next few runs.