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Full Version: Completing my collection, looking for sourcebooks
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I've been collecting Shadowrun for many years now, but have been on a hiatus for a number of years now, and many incarnations of this site ago. Since then I've managed to miss a number of sourcebooks and materials to finish fleshing out my collection, of which I own one of almost everything that has been produced. A more detailed list will follow in the next few days, but some of the key missing items are most if the KAGE shadowrun books, and the fourth edition limited hardcover that was produced that I never got a copy of. Any information as to where I can easily kind any of the item I'm looking for would be appreciated, or if you're looking to sell some of the items I'm looking for PM me.

KAGE 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 7, 8, 10, 12

4th edition limited edition hardcover
The trinity:

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