Oct 23 2007, 04:16 AM
I just recently played a little bit of that game on my friend's computer and it's actually a fun and fast paced game. Reason I'm bringing it up is... did anybody else think a little bit of shadowrun while playig it (even an inkling)?
The heavy machine gunner with gatling gun is the typical troll with gatling gun (vindicator).
The scout/fast dude could be the cybered speed freak with wires III
You have the engineer putting up at least one sentry gun.
The various other classes with weapons = the various other srun archtypes with weapons...
The medic with his healing/invulnerability ray... that could similar to a mage/shaman doing his magic to heal folks and temporarily casting some sort of increased toughness/shield on some folks.
The spy... when he goes invisible or appears like the other team... that can be some mage with the invisibility spell or something else.
Hmmm... anyway, just silly thoughts.
Other main reason I liked TF2, it was on a computer so it didn't have to use the stupid xbox interface/console controllers. I learned my fps from mouse/keyboard and I love going back to it.
Oct 23 2007, 04:28 AM
I haven't played it, but I have seen the "meet the classes" videos; personal favorite definitely has to be the Engineer, closely followed by the Heavy.
Meet The EngineerMeet The HeavyMeet The DemomanMeet The Soldier
Oct 23 2007, 03:20 PM
I love the game, but only when playing in a large group of friends and acquaintances. I'm not an uber leet FPSer, so I don't care much for online play. LAN parties ftw.
Oct 23 2007, 04:34 PM
You think TFC2 is applicable for Shadowrun, what about Portal?
Like being in one of the tamer but more insane sections of the arcology.
Oct 23 2007, 09:20 PM
Man! I still haven't played Deus Ex yet.
Oct 29 2007, 09:26 PM
I loved it. I spent some time working with each class and found them to be all nicly playable. I switch between Medic and Heavy.
And Portal, SO good.
Oct 30 2007, 02:58 PM
Heh, yeah Portal is cool. I don't even like puzzles all that much, and I still play that game for hours at a time. Haven't beaten it yet though.
I'm playing HL2 for the first time too, and it's awesome.
Oct 30 2007, 04:30 PM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
And Portal, SO good. |
Portal was great; way too short, though. Although on second thought, that might be a good thing. I first played it just a few days ago and I played it straight through without putting the controller down. If it had been longer I might have just kept playing until I died.
Oh how I love to hate that crazy robot.
Nov 1 2007, 02:52 AM
Portal = GOTY.
TF2 = better than TFC.
getting rid of grenade spam softened the learning curve significantly. no longer can scouts easily frag heavy weapons guys.
Nov 1 2007, 02:10 PM
Nope. Now spies can.
Nov 6 2007, 12:25 AM
Well, really they should be killing the medic backpacking the heavy. Once the medic is gone heavys die pretty quickly.
Now if whos ever playing the heavy can learn that you DONT DODGE ROCKETS if your being backpacked. You can suck them, us poor medics cant.
Nov 19 2007, 04:10 PM
TF2 is pure, unalloyed Awesome. Guttural, violent, fast-paced and charming all in the same breath. The sounds as you approach a firefight - shouting, explosions, cries for help - just... Awesome. PC has much larger, more elite pool of players, xBox is pretty fun too, nice to sit in comfort.
Portal was terrific. Play it. And if you think it's too short, you must be referring only to the narrative, because the various challenge levels after you win add a TON of replayabilty.
Play TF2. Play Portal. Seriously, stop reading. Go Play.
(Both are in The Orange Box)
Nov 19 2007, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
Well, really they should be killing the medic backpacking the heavy. Once the medic is gone heavys die pretty quickly. Now if whos ever playing the heavy can learn that you DONT DODGE ROCKETS if your being backpacked. You can suck them, us poor medics cant. |
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