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Full Version: Living in the Shadows: Volume One
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Yes, it's now a book!

To be exact, it's going to be at least seven books, each between 150 and 200 pages of 8 pt type, spiral-bound, roughly the same size as an SR sourcebook. Shadowland, astral quests, pix, it's all there. (If you want to see some of the samples, check out the links in the Special Projects thread.) We've done a lot of story!

But the first volume is going to the printers sometime this week, to be sent out the week after: and I need an idea of numbers.

Break-even cost is $30, including standard mail shipping: should arrive in most locations between one and three weeks later. If you want something faster, please add accordingly to the base cost. I have PayPal, or you can send me a cheque or money order. Don't forget, I can't send out your copy until I have your mailing address.

I'm limiting this -- for now -- to LitS members only, because it's our project. We built this world! If there is wider interest, please don't click on the poll, but drop a line in this thread instead.

(Note: even though it's almost too late for this volume, we are still always seeking high-quality pictures and SR-related advertisements for this series.)
I'd be interested in a copy of this.
I would be interested as well. But I may have to wait a little bit before buying. Cash shortage and all. smile.gif
Printing delay, entirely due to me. In short, the last month evaporated on me. Very positive lightning bolt out of the blue -- something I had been quietly hoping for for decades -- but maybe at the worst possible time, and everything deadlined to now.

We will however be mailing out the first volume out next week, which should still be in time for you to get it for Christmas.

All those who are interested, please PM or e-mail me ( with a mailing address and your method of payment (money order, cheque, Paypal [different e-mail] ).
For everyone who wants a copy, WinterRat is collecting mailing addresses.

I've put up a PayPal button at the living in the shadows index site: name comes up as "the blackfly", which is my writing site in development.

WinterRat -- could you please contact Smilin Jack re these details?
First volume is complete, and has been sent out and received by everyone for whom I have addresses. So far the reviews have been good. If you want a volume, send WinterRat the address. (Don't post it in this thread!) Payment is by cheque to him or PayPal as above.

I went over-budget with this one, but then it will also probably be the largest single volume, being the introductory one and involving the greatest number of PCs. Price will stay the same for subsequent volumes, unless the USD plunges further.

Note: I am looking for cheap, sometimes cross-border shipping alternatives -- which was the greatest part of what sent me over-budget. I'd much rather place the value into the book proper. (Please don't say US mail. wink.gif)

ETA volume 2: end of February / mid-March. Please post interest in this thread.

(Does that qualify as posting interest? wink.gif)
QUOTE ('WinterRat1 from the LitS OOC Thread')
Hey All -

I have to tell you, I just got the LITS volumes in the mail this weekend, and all I can say is this:

THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not kidding, if you are in LITS, if you are a Shadowrun fan, you cannot afford to NOT have one of these things on your shelf.

I was expecting something along the lines of a fairly plain book with white pages and a couple pictures neatly bound together or something, instead, I got what is easily one of the most amazing books ever.

The art is awesome! Sedna and Neophyte Overlord did a great job with the pictures, using classic SR art, new stuff they found/created, and contributions from people to make a really great product. The pages are different colors at various points, representing Shadowland or Astral Quests, different colored font as appropriate, and the editing to make it flow into more of a novel and less of a play-by-post game is flawless. They have tables of contents, glossary, cast of characters, this thing is loaded to the nines and freaking sweet.

I am already so hyped for the next two novels I cannot wait to get my hands on them. The covers are really cool too, and in general, the whole thing just reeks of awesomeness.

There honestly isn't anything wrong with this book, and is easily the among the best 30 bucks you'll ever spend. Considering how these are one of a kind items you can't get anywhere else, I just don't see how anyone who's been a long time LITSer can do anything other than seriously consider finding the money for this.

Go on that diet you've always talked about, cut back on going out and stay in to spend time with the family, maybe forgo that latest computer upgrade you've been drooling over for a few weeks. Do what you have to do, but get your hands on this book. It will have a treasured place on your gaming shelf you will always cherish. I guarantee it.

And all that's before you get your hands on the next several volumes...

Let me just say that this is entirely accurate. This book is made of win. And you owe it to yourself to get a copy.
Sedna - payment sent via paypal.
Grendel - Neither Sedna nor I know where to mail your volume. Do you want us to hold it and mail it to you with Volume 2?
How many copies are still in existence without a claim on them. I'd like to consider getting my hands on one, however cash is something of an illusive being in my life atm. frown.gif
Thought I gave Sedna my address. I'll pass it SEPCOR via email.
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