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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Basically the team has found another way that's not covered in the module. I don't want to stop it since it is a pretty easy way of handling the requirements with a minimum of fuss.

[ Spoiler ]

Addressing the issue in transit is a pretty common approach that wasn't addressed in the scenario. It pretty much just boils down to "use your best judgment."

One note, though -- as Gridguide is a system that's got, literally, millions of lives depending on it every day, I'd posit that it's pretty hard to hack. YMMV, of course.
As the dunner suggested, hacking the Grid proper would be really very hard. Likely they could have a better shot at it (and possibly a more tense scene) if they drove up along side to get within Signal 1 or 2 distance and spoof / jam the wireless signal from the grid to the limo rather than hacking the transit system proper. This would let you have another scene where initiative is rolled as a group, the rigger gets to drive, the sammy gets to maybe shoot stuff and the hacker has to hack on a timetable and in coordination with the driver (you have to stay within a certain distance... red lights, traffic pattern changes, Frost noticing you...). Lastly, if they hack the limo and its off Grid-Pilot and Frost gets knocked out you have a car crash on your hands. Sounds like this could be a really fun way to inject some dramatic action.

If the girl gets hurt during a half-botched car crash, Frost has personal reasons to come and get the runners.

Remember that once the players extract the girl, even if Frost was konked out and The Trinity was not involved, they still have to deliver her. You can create a reason for the delivery to be delayed by even a few hours and have The Trinity gear up and hunt the players down.

At least that way you can still maintain the inevitable Boss Fight.

Just some ideas.

I <3 the shadowrun missions. They provide such a good basis for improvisation.

- der menkey

"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter."
~ Ernest Hemingway
Right. Their intention is to hack the car itself so they can control the stop after they're knocked out. Poor wording on my part. The range was the other thing I investigated and figured they'd have to attempt the hack while driving fairly close to the limo.

Thanks for the replies.

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