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Full Version: Thinking of an SR4 chat game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Reposted in the right forum now....

Alright, so I'm considering (and only somewhat) running a SR game over a chat program. There are two main issues at hand, and a couple of minor ones.

Main Issue #1: Finding Time
I'm a student, and I don't have a huge amount of time to game. What time I do is somewhat tenuous, meaning I may need to cancel a session occasionally, even on a scheduled day, but I will attempt to make the sessions up, and I will try my best to alert people in time.
Note that this might turn out harmless, but forewarned is forearmed, or so they say.

Main Issue #2: Rules Skill
I've read the BBB cover to cover, but without some actual play experience, my grasp of the rules is still a little shaky. I would need a little player tolerance for that, and maybe even some assistance.

Now, my smaller issues mainly center around my playstyle. I don't tolerate people who build characters with mechanics prioritized above story. That is not to say that a skilled munchkin would be completely unwelcome...merely that they need to put RP before BP, if you know what I mean.

Also, I rely on players to provide plot material to some degree. Plot hooks in a backstory are a near-must, and pursuing interests outside the mission frame will be rewarded and encouraged. Contacts must be cultivated.

Finally, what might be the biggest bone of contention--I don't care about any edition other than 4th. Nor do I pay any attention to non-4th ed material, with rare exceptions. Even 4th material is subject to my whim. So, no cries of "But Lofwyr would never do that, because of sourcebook X." It's my world to make, even if it's yours to tinker with on a smaller scale.
I think everyone understands that RL takes precedence over running a game - at least until we all win the lottery, inherit millions from an heretofore unknown relative, or pull off that big score.

Your playstyle sounds interesting.
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