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Full Version: Disclaimer update?
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Kyoto Kid
WizKids, Inc has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, LLC has granted permission to the Dumpshock Forums to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with the Dumpshock Forums in any official capacity whatsoever.

...just wondering, is this going to be updated to name Catalyst Game Labs as the owner of the SR franchise? Not sure what the actual legal implications are if any.
Um, as far as I know, WizKids still owns all that stuff, and merely grants the rights to Catalyst in the same manner (or similar) as they previously did for FanPro.
Indeed. Updating it to Catalyst Game Labs would be a short trip to a nasty lawsuit.

Kyoto Kid
...OK, wasn't sure what all the "fine print" terms of the deal were. Thanks biggrin.gif
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