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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
For those players that have the Exchange as a contact I find myself woundering just what is it they can ask for as a favor?

Do you have a set level you will allow I.E. nothing over rating 14? nothing rated F? nothing over 50,000? Just wanting to pick your brain Dunner and figured post it here should others be interested in the answers.

I of course have the Exchange as a contact and was just courious as I relly could use some APDS ammo for my Ranger Arms.

I was thinking along these lines

1 success would be small ~ say rating 6 limited to R legality and/or -20% cost on something

2 successes would be medium ~ say rating 12 limited to R legalityand/or -30% cost on something

3 successes would be big ~ say rating 18 limited to F legalityand/or -50% cost on something

Just some more thoughts later.
It's subject to the GM's discretion.
Thanks Dunner I didn't want to be asking for anything that you may feel was in excess nor did I want to say ok you can get this and add it to the players debrifing log and then have you say hey that is way too excessive to give to a player.

Mind you I am not gonna go around handing out private jets eek.gif and stuff but still I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a preset level of some type I am not allowed to cross.
I'd think that the rules on Contacts in SR4 and what they can do for you is fairly clear on this topic...
Isn't it written so that you don't actually get to ask the Exchange for anything, you just get stuff?
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